【禁闻】官捧民厌 重庆红色频道收视惨跌

















Communist TV Shows Unpopular

Since Jan 2010, China's Chongqing TV (CCQTV)
started broadcasting “Red Culture” shows in prime time,
to create the first Chinese red culture TV channel.
However, its reception is disastrous.
What is the purpose of creating red culture programs?
Why do the public resent them? Let’s take a look.

CCTV released 27 cities' reception ratings on April 14.
After CCQTV started broadcasting communist shows
during prime time, its ranking has drastically dropped.

It is said that CCQTV is facing financial pressure,
as it needs to lay off people and reduce costs.
Its TV commercial team has let go 20% of its staff.
All employees' salaries have been reduced.
The front line editors' salaries were cut by 15%.

A Chinese professor said, "All Chinese TV stations
are controlled by CCP's propaganda department.
They have to meet the propaganda requirements.
The content is vulgar, propagandizing, not creative,
and it does not reflect the people's real lives.
People are fed up with this. They don't want to watch.

According to Huang Qifan, Mayor of Chongqing,
creating the "Red Channel" is a request from
Chongqing’s CCP Municipal Secretary Bo Xilai.
After being reorganized, CCQTV started to broadcast
the so-called red culture shows during prime time.
claiming to reflect the “mainstream values”.

Which dramas reflect CCP's “mainstream values”?

Chinese columnist of the British Financial Times
Lao Yu cited some Communist dramas in an article:
“White-Haired Girl," "Red Detachment of Women",
"Mine Warfare", "Sister Jiang", "Red Guards on Honghu",
"Armageddon" and “Sword”.
He considers them as part of CCP's politics.

Lao Yu said, and all communist red films are insane.
The CCP decides everything for the people,
encouraging them to be sacrificed for the Party.

A Chinese citizen: "This heralds a bloody trend.
Starting from now, this year will be a bloody year.
It is either filled with bloody repression
or with bloody resistance of suppression.

Recently, Bo constantly carries out “red movements”
in Chongqing, including sing red (communist) songs
and thousands people renewed their vows to CCP.
Prison officials of 6 provinces came to Chongqing
to learn the so-called “red education in prison”.
Several art schools in Shanghai have also
re-introduced Marxism into the classrooms.

Chinese professor: It is ridiculous to sing red songs.
and to color everything red on the stage.
Just like drawing, how can you use only the color red?
It should be mixed with other colors.
Authorities want people to think nothing but communism.
which is an ideological monopoly and very backward.

Lao Yu wrote, the promotion of the red culture is
a stability maintenance campaign.
The “mainstream values” defined by Bo are
having no discontent or complaint
and single-mindedly listening to the CCP.
That is, by surrendering your mind and will,
and obeying the party, you get to live.

Chinese professor: Everyone can use an artistic form
to resist the CCP's tyranny and expose its darkness.
CCP's national flag is red with five stars,
which represent the four working classes.
Why our country has a one-party dictatorship?
Someone raised a question: why can we only use red?

The CCTV's reception reports also showed,
Hunan TV ranks No.1, surpassing the CCTV.
Several other local TV stations are in the top 10.
Some critics said: "The TV is going to change color!"

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Jing and Sun Ning
