【禁闻】内蒙戒严持续 政府学校重兵把守














巴赫介绍说, 1950年,中共军队进军内蒙古,在内蒙实行了所谓的“社会主义改造”:开矿建厂,建造重工业,并强迫蒙古牧民在草原上种粮食,强行推行“人民公社”政策,同时把大量汉人迁入内蒙。





Inner Mongolia Still Under Martial Law

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) adopted
a harsh repressive measure to the recent large-scale
protest in Inner Mongolia. On June 2, authorities
continue to tighten security and block information.
People in Hohhot told NTD that the atmosphere
in Hohhot remained tense. No one can approach
government agencies, students and staff at some
universities aren't allowed to enter or leave school.

Originally initiated online, Inner Mongolians
in Hohhot held an assembly with nearly 1,000
participants on May 30. The atmosphere remains
tense until this point. Petitioners who went
to Hohhot told NTD reporter of the situation there.

Petitioner: “I'm here in Hohhot. We don't have
freedom to come and go. Military and police forces
are everywhere. Martial law is imposed. People
need to check in and out at schools, Inner Mongolia
University, Inner Mongolia Normal University,
Inner Mongolia Agricultural University.
No one is allowed to get close to these places.
They all have to be checked.”

Hong Kong' TVBPV reported back from Hohhot
on Tuesday that local universities will reopen
on June 6, after the sensitive June 4.

The petitioner also said that no one at government
agencies met him, nor would they answer his calls.

Petitioner: “Martial law is enforced. No one can
get close to the CCP committee compound. I came
to Hohhot to petition, but the CCP committee
members did not meet me. The gate was guarded
by armed police and the public security staff.
No one is allowed to get close.”

In addition to the security measures,
the CCP also strengthened its news blockade.

On May 31, Voice of America reported that even
with worldwide attention on the tense situation
in Inner Mongolia, when one searches Sina.com ,
the first news article is about the weather,
along with the second, third and fourth.

According to Radio France Internationale,
Paris-based Reporters Without Borders (RWB)
issued a statement on Tuesday condemning CCP's
Internet blockage on protests in Inner Mongolia.

RWB stated that in Liaotong City netizens
were summoned by the public security bureau.
In Hohhot, many Internet cafes closed
due to insufficient network speed. Mobile phone
networks are also completely blocked. QQ online
chat and other social networking tools are cut off,
and blogs about the protest were all deleted.

The protests in Inner Mongolia over the past month
were originally caused by two incidents: a Chinese
driver run over and killed a herdsman, and a local
protester beaten to death for taking part in rallies
against the pollution by the local coal mines.

Since CCP established its regime, tens of thousands
of Mongolians have been killed. Cao Changqing,
a senior political commentator interviewed
Mongolian scholar Bache back in 1997.

Bache: “Like Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia started
its independence movement in the 20th century.
The then KMT government gave Mongolians
a high degree of autonomy, allowing them to keep
10 divisions of self-Defense army. The KMT
government is responsible for foreign affairs
and defense, everything else was taken care of
by the autonomous government of Mongolia.”

Bache said that in 1950, the CCP army entered
Inner Mongolia and implement the so-called
“socialist transformation”, such as building mining
plants and heavy industries. CCP forced Mongolian
herders to plant grains, and implemented
the “people's communes” policy. Meanwhile,
large numbers of Han people moved into the region.

During the Cultural Revolution, Beijing Military
Region Deputy Commander Teng Haiqing
was Transferred to Inner Mongolia to be the
“Revolutionary Committee Chair of the
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region”. He arrested
over 80,000 people during the “clean-up”
of the Mongolia People's Party. 50,000 Mongols
were tortured to death, and as many as
500,000 people were left disabled.

Yuan Hongbing (Chinese jurist): “This reminds me
of Lhasa, Tibet in 2008, when Tibetan youth walked
to the guns and shouted: 'I am the Tibetan you killed
decades ago.' Today, its the same in Inner Mongolia.
The Mongolian intellectuals massacred by the CCP
decades ago speak through the young generation.”

Yuan Hongbing thinks the CCP's cultural genocide
in Inner Mongolia will eventually fail.
Mongols, for their own dignity and survival,
will stand up to protest against the CCP tyranny.

NTD reporters Liang Xin, Li Jing and Xiao Yan