【禁闻】增城蒙恐怖 内讧加封锁














Terror Reigns in Zengcheng

The riots in Guangzhou appear to have subsided.
What is the truth behind the Zengcheng Incident?
There are different versions about the incident
told by the authorities and by the people.
Authorities claimed on a press conference that
no one had been killed.
However, some witnesses said people were killed.
Let's take a look at the report.

On June 16, Zhengcheng authorities announced
that in putting down the "6.11" Xintang Incident,
there were no deaths, no lethal arms carried by police,
no shots fired, no shops smashed or robbed,
and no clashes between police and the people.

As per a local insider, the authorities did fire gunshots.

Local resident: Shots were fired… for 20 or 30 times.
The sounds were familiar…of “54” military pistols.
They could be heard within a few hundred meters.
The sounds were really scary.
Upon hearing them, my scalp became numb…

Chinese media said, on the third night of the incident,
3,000 troops were dispatched to arrest the protestors.
Gunshots were heard at the scene.
Several university students in Guangzhou
independently published the truth online.
Their interviewees said that anti-riot bullets were used.

With Zhengcheng Procuratorate's approval,
on June 15, 19 people involved were arrested.
However, an insider said that over 1,800 people
have been arrested, with the actual figure inestimable.
He also said that the incident has not subsided,
and Zengcheng has been turned into a town of terror.

Insider: Zengcheng is all blocked now.
A door-to-door search is ongoing.
Should urge migrant workers from Sichuan to leave.
The authorities would arrest anyone suspicious.

The authorities changed the way they make arrests.
They now use rewards to encourage informers,
and to create infighting among the Sichuan workers.

Insider: It is much easier for the authorities,
if the Sichuan workers betray one another.
RMB 5,000 is awarded for catching a person.
RMB 2,000 is awarded for providing clues to the police.
It is an enormous temptation.
The migrant workers from Sichuan would
cut 10 pairs of pants for only a dime.
How many pairs do they cut to get RMB 5,000?

Authorities said in the process of putting down riots,
the shops were still open for business.
The factories and businesses were operating.
Only Dadun Village School was closed for one day.
The other schools were open as usual.

Insider: Almost all jeans manufacturing stopped.
It is impossible for the factors to operate!
The people involved in the incident have left.
The ones that didn't participate are also afraid.
Who would go to work? The situation is very tense.
Who is not afraid? The workers are almost all gone.

On June 16, Guangzhou Police Bureau announced
that a man surnamed Chen, who spread rumors that
“a pregnant women's husband was beaten to death",
was arrested and confessed to spreading false info.

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Tang Rui and Li Ruolin
