









简天伦:“中国20年来 GDP增长很高,但是财政更高,都在20%以上的增长速度,自然是税收非常高。虽然中国生产的产品(价格)并不一定贵,但是中国的财政税收太厉害了,把成本完全提上去了,最终端的价格里面,50%甚至70%都跟税收有关。这就解释了为甚么中国制造的产品在中国反而比美国贵得多。



Why Prices in China are higher than in U.S.

The public is discontent with the inflation in China.
It is even more surprising to the Chinese that
many consumer goods are cheaper in the U.S.
Scholars say that the higher prices in China
were caused by Chinese Communist Party's (CCP)
monetary policy, tax policy and high internal inflation.

A blog reveals that, with a salary of RMB 5,000
it costs RMB 30 to have a meal at KFC in China,
over RMB 100 for a meal in a restaurant,
RMB 400 for a pair of Levi's jeans,
and over RMB 30,000 for the cheapest car Xiali.
In the U.S., with a salary of USD 5,000,
it costs 4 dollars for a KFC meal,
40 dollars for a meal in a restaurant,
20 dollars for a pair of Levi's jeans,
and less than USD 30,000 for a BMW.

U.S.-based Economist Jian Tianlun said the differences
are caused by China's monetary and fiscal policies.

Jian Tianlun: Due to land sales, investments
and a large monetary supply, RMB deprecates,
and China's currency issuance volume is large.
The large monetary supply caused price increases.

Jian says that with lots of investments,
and the rapid growth of bank loans,
the monetary supply dramatically increases.
Combined with the recent regional land finances,
land sales account for a third of China's GDP.
Regional government debts increased drastically
and reached RMB 10.7 trillion by the end of 2010.
Also, the current policy of stimulating domestic demand
by exports and of keeping the RMB exchange rate low.
It caused a large increase in foreign exchange reserve,
which in turn increased China's monetary supply.
Jian says China's money supply ranks the first globally.

Economic Critic Caoan Jushi believes that
as China keeps on printing more and more bills,
it makes the inflation more serious. Therefore,
China's economic development is not sustainable.

Caoan Jushi: China's economic development seems
to be good, but it is not the case.
The government robs the people's money.
There is a high internal inflation.
As more bills are printed, with diminishing goods,
it forms a vicious circle. As a result,
product prices are higher in China than in the U.S.

Chinese financial critic Shi Hanbing made a trip
to the U.S. to compare the price differences.
His conclusion is that except for services and
intellectual property-related products,
goods in the U.S. are 50% cheaper than in China.
However, U.S. per capita income is 34 times
of the per capita income in China.

Shi blogged that China has a lower GDP than the U.S.
However, more money is needed in China
to buy the same products than in the U.S.
Jian attributes this to high-tax fiscal policy in China.

Jian: China had a high GDP growth rate in last 20 years.
However, it had a higher fiscal budge growth rate
of at least 20%. As a result, the tax rate became high.
The goods made in China may not be expensive,
but the taxes imposed increase their prices drastically.

50~70% of the end price is related to taxes.
This explains why Chinese-made products
have higher prices in China than in the U.S.

Data from the IMF Government Finance Statistic
shows that (based on data in 2006)
China had the large portion of tax as part of the price.
It is 4.17 times of the U.S. figure,
3.76 times of the Japanese figure
and 2.33 times of the 15 E.U. countries.

NTD reporters Gao Zitan,Song Feng and Sun Ning
