【禁闻】中国人体器官商品化 人人自危











2006年7月,加拿大前亚太司司长大卫.乔高(David Kilgour)及人权律师大卫.麦塔斯(David Matas)公布《调查中共摘取法轮功学员器官报告》,报告引用了大量调查实例,指证中共活摘器官。




Commercialization of Human Organs in China

One company in Mainland China lures naive resources
with a high salary. One new hire was immediately scheduled for a
thorough physical examination once he started working.
His boss arranged for him to "travel,” but instead his kidney was removed.
Some scholars say that the current Chinese society is very unsafe.
Not only organs of prison inmates may be taken and sold,
ordinary people also have to worry about themselves and
someone might lose organs without knowing how it happened.

It was revealed a few days ago that a company conducts organ sales
in the name of recruiting resources.
The victim was drugged and his kidney was removed
three months after he started with the company.

Beijing scholar Peng Dingding: “People are insane now.
Those trading organs were never treated as humans,
so they do not treat others as humans.
In present day China, people are treated as merchandise.
There is no concept of human rights. People are just commodities.

May 1st of this year, before amendments to the Criminal Code,
China has not organ trading charges,
such as the staff kidney organ fraud case, the prosecutor gave
the syndicate boss an "illegal business" to the charges.

Lawyer Wang Quanzhang: “These people are committing crimes.
They should be charged with a criminal felony.
Even if charged with "illegal business," which is a relatively light punishment, they should be fined.
Those people are profiting from human lives. It is causing deliberate harm.

Each year about 1.5 million people in China need organ transplants.

Searching baidu.com for “liver source,” “kidney source,” etc,
produces tens of thousands of returns.
Each organ is priced at 25,000 RMB to 150,000 RMB.

Rights activist coordinator Hu Jun: “This is organized crime, so vicious.
It is the organized crime of the government, not only by some doctors alone.
This process involves many relative departments.
It is scary that someone can work through all these channels.”

In democratic countries, based on ethics, morality, and human rights,
organ donation requires approval from the donor or family members.
Organs cannot even be removed from a corpse without consent.

Rights activist coordinator Hu Jun: “This has become popular now,
even among people.
Someone can remove people’s organs at will.
It is a normal practice in the prisons.
Imprisoned criminals are completely deprived of rights.
It is too easy to remove their organs.”

About 10,000 organ transplants are done in China each year.
According to the data provided by Amnesty International,
2,000 death penalty criminals with were executed in China in 2002,
1,718 in 2008.
The CCP, however, does not publish the numbers of death penalties.

In July 2006, former Secretary of State, Asia-Pacific David Kilgour
and human rights lawyer David Matas published
An Independent Investigation into Allegations of
Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China,
using a large amount of evidence collected through investigations
to prove the CCP conducts live organ harvesting.

Rights activist coordinator Hu Jun: “This is an inhumane practice that
never happened before inhuman history.
The international community should condemn such a terrible practice.
It should be brought up to the United Nations,
to discuss the issue of state terrorism.

On microblogs, netizens have heated discussions.

Some netizens say that if not mention the details of live
organ harvesting in China, it would be useless.
Live organ harvesting existed long ago and there still many people
do not aware of this … the extremely evil practice.

NTD reporter Qing Xue, Huang Rong and Wang Mingyu
