【禁闻】中国道德惊人下滑 见义勇为临绝迹








大陆作家野火认为,中国人之间充满了不信任感和冷漠感,与官方还在坚持的 “不管黑猫白猫,抓住老鼠就是好猫”的理论有关。







Toddler Hit By Vans, Adults Do Nothing

Recently, in China two vans hit and rolled over a 2.5 years
old girl, fleeing afterwards and leaving her in a pool of blood.
More shockingly, 18 people passed by and did not offer help.

Scholars comment that Chinese have lost their spirituality.

Propaganda of false ideology destroys the traditional culture,
triggering a mass moral decline, falling below the base line.
Lack of spiritual faith is the core of China's moral issues.

A security camera footage showed how a little girl, Yueyue,
was hit by two vans and rolled over.
She was lying in a pool of blood. At least 18 adults passed
by and saw her, but acted as if nothing has happened.

The only woman willing to lend a hand was a rag-picker,
Chen Xianmei, who has been pursued for interviews
and praised by media over the past few days.

However, many civilians questioned
whether she was cooking up media hype.

In contrast, recently an American tourist dived into
the West Lake to save a drowning man.
Ten minutes later, the man was saved,
while the U.S. tourist quietly walked away.

In China’s history records, traditional Chinese followed
principles of respecting the aged and caring for the young,
helping the needy and weak, holding in esteem the values
of courtesy, righteousness, integrity and sense of shame.
In present-day China, why has morality dropped so low?

Former Professor of Psychology at Beijing Capital Normal
University, Sun Yanjun, believes the root cause of China’s
current anomic community is the "false" ideology
promoted by CCP (Chinese Communist Party) bureaucracy.
Reconstruction of faith is the core in solving the problem.

Sun Yanjun: “Since the CCP regime came into power,
the whole group of bureaucrats are culprits
in undermining social values, humiliating the Chinese people,
and ruining traditional Chinese culture.
CCP misled the value tendency of the entire community.
The whole nation is lost in a state of pursuing
extreme material benefits, extreme personal gain
and extreme personal enjoyment.”

Writer Ye Huo comments that the Chinese
are immersed in distrust and coldness.
That is summarized in the CCP’s saying:
"Black or white, if a cat can catch a mouse it is a good cat."

Ye Huo: “All of this was caused by the initial tendency
of ’placing the money above everything else.’
Money is the lord and morality, trust, interpersonal care,
among other things, all have groveled at the feet of money.
TV programs advocate the rich and their fortunes,
labeling them as heroes.
Such an unconscious influence is one of the reasons
that causes such public indifference.”

However, CCP authorities attribute the “immoral things”
to traditional Chinese culture, or western cultures.

Ye Huo: “What the CCP insists on is Deng Xiaoping’s theory,
which has been a big problem for this nation.
The institution of the CCP should be changed from top-down.
Without institutional change, all others are difficult to change.”

Ye Huo believes that the Chinese people would have better
morality if they have faith.
‘Karmic retribution’ in Buddhism, and Christianity’s
‘Love for people’ exert positivism toward people.
Ye Huo hopes that China could turn itself towards
Its traditional values, using a peaceful way.

Sun Yanjun said that returning the Chinese traditional values
needs everyone’s effort.
He said, the Chinese must be brave to condemn and punish
the immoral, and should be brave to fight for their rights.
This will disable social injustice, provide more fairness,
and restore the values destroyed by the communist party.

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Song Feng and Xiao Yan