




美国鼓励人口生育的研究机构“人口政策研究所”,所长毛思迪(Steven Mosher)说:“我相信中国共产党通过独生子女政策可能使中国的人口减少了4亿,那些没出生的人也包括那些在3个月、6个月或者是9个月的时候被堕掉的婴儿,以及在出生后被杀死的婴儿,还包括那些因为妇女在堕胎后做绝育手术失去生育能力而避免生出来的人。”




美国人权组织“女权无疆界”的创办人瑞洁(Reggie Littlejohn)律师认为,中国的计划生育政策是赤裸裸的人权践踏:“强行堕胎、杀死新生儿等种种手段,证明中国政府就是想完全控制民众。”



Family Planning Made China Poorer

The United Nations Population Fund announced that the world's population will reach 7 billion on October 31. The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) offcial media claimed that by implementing family planning policies in China, 400 million people were not born, thus postponing the arrival of this 7 billion mark, by, five years. However, experts say that China's one-child policy is a violation of basic human rights and an economic disaster.

This year’s U.N. Population Fund’s State of the World Population Report stated that the world's population will reach 7 billion on October 31. The CCP’s mouthpiece, Xinhua News Agency, reported that China’s family planning reduced the world’s births by 400 million, over past 30 years. Thus, the arrival of this 7 billion polulation figure was postponed.

Dr. Liu Kaiming, director of the Institute of Contemporary Observation, however, believes that the CCP’s one-child policy exposes China to a wrath of hidden social problems.

Liu Kaiming: "The CCP used China’s population figures to justify its one-child policy. I think such a practice only emphasizes resource consumption issues, rather than the contribution that 400 million extra people would have on social development and wealth creation in China. The hazards of mandatory family planning have emerged.

Although many people in China are very poor, China is still faced with a very prominent aging population. The problem of labor shortages has emerged and China’s social security system has not been set up, yet. Issues related to China’s pension system and next generation’s marriages, may develop into very serious social problems, which will have a huge impact on the country’s future social stability."

Steven Mosher, head of Population Policy Institute, a U.S.-based research institution, which works to end coercive population control, and fight the myth of overpopulation, said, "I believe that the CCP’s one-child policy caused about 4 million not to be born. When I say, “not born,” I include all those infants who faced forced abortions at 3 months, 6 months, and 9 months. That is, the infants were killed after birth, or who were unborn due to infertility or sterilization after abortion.”

Mosher said statistics show that every Chinese baby contributes a few thousand dollars more than what they consume. He believes that "by diminishing the Chinese population, it will make China poorer. Eradicating the lives of 400 million people, who are the most industrious, most intelligent, and most efficient in the world, will make China poorer, still.”

Mosher believed that although the global population will reach 7 billion, it will accelerate mankind’s prosperity. Man’s average life expectancy, living standards, food supply, and medical care have all greatly improved.

Liu Kaiming: "Only one child for every family and severe penalties imposed for unplanned births, these practices go against the natural laws of population growth. Many families had their properties confiscated, and their bank deposits forcibly transferred, due to their violating the CCP’s family planning policy. These are all violations of peoples’ basic human rights.

In particular, CCP authorities forced many older women to abort, resulting in a lot of tragedies. Instead, the CCP should work on improving social security, so as to encourage people to plan their children’s births, rather than resorting to brutal means in order to force people not have only one child."

Founder and president of the human rights organization, Women's Rights Without Frontiers, Reggie Littlejohn commented that China's family planning policy is blatantly abusing human rights through “forced abortion, and killing infants using various other means,
proves that China’s government is trying to completely control people."

Reggie asked the CCP authorities to stop forced abortions, respect women's rights, and respect the civil rights of all individuals.

NTD reporters Zhu Zhisha, Li Yun and Xiao Yu
