【禁闻】甘肃黑校车酿成惨祸 民众怒责政府











甘肃“黑校车”惨祸引发网民悲愤与问责政府,有些网友说:“能拥有1万亿美国国债,三千亿的公车消费,买不起校车?” “请问教育部和交通部是如何考虑孩子的安全问题,难道中国的法律就是玩的?”






“Illegal Bus” Kills 19 Children

Seriously overloaded six-fold, a kindergarten school bus
of Yulinzi Town in Zhengning county, Gansu province, was involved in an accident, killing 21 people.
The dead include 19 children.
The disaster caused painful grief among civilians.
Netizens criticized Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
authorities of squandering public funds.
Nearly RMB 1 trillion is spent each year on officials’ meals
and recreation, traveling and car purchases.
This contributed to a serious shortage of education funding,
especially in China’s poor rural areas.
Thus leading to the frequent occurrence of accidents
involving illegal school buses.

On the morning of November 16, a small school bus
of Little Doctor Kindergarten in Yulinzi Town
collided head-on with a large coal dump truck.
With a loading limit of only nine persons,
the school bus removed seats privately for more space.
That day, the school bus actually carried 64 persons.

The dead include 19 children, a teacher and a driver,
with the remaining 43 children injured.
The accident took place in front of a local brick factory.
Over a dozen workers rushed to the immediate rescue.
One worker described to NTDTV the tragic story.

Brick factory worker: "We participated in the rescue.
Among the children we saved, the eldest was five or six years old, the youngest, three or four.
Some cried, calling for their grandmas, grandpas,
some called for their daddies or mummies.
The scene was really miserable,
everybody was scared stiff.
One child was in a particularly critical state, a piece of skin
was ripped off from the top of his head.
Most kids were bleeding. Blood was coming from their
bodies, noses, ears. There was blood all over them.”

US secondary school teacher Huang, said that in the US,
a private modification of a school bus is impossible.

Teacher Huang: "The US law stipulates that citizens
should abide by the law.
So if the loading limit is only nine persons,
the driver won’t let so many children get on the school bus.
If the accident happened in the US, the school would be
charged very heavily. Parents would sue the school.
And the matter would be made big.
Human rights are protected in the US, so it won’t be possible to have such a thing here.”

In Indiana in 2006, a Hummer SUV crashed into a parked
empty school bus on the roadside.
The result was half of the Hummer was crushed,
while the school bus was safe and sound.
A netizen asked: "Isn’t China ashamed?"

Teacher Huang: "The US law requires school buses
to do regular checks and maintenances.
Children's safety is stressed very much in the US.

Everything has strict requirements,
a school bus license should be applied for.
If a school bus is parked on the roadside, flashing the red light,
the passing by cars should stop for the kids crossing the road.”

In rural China, the distance to the school is very far.

Inconvenient transportation or high transport costs result
in children dropping out of school, and others having no choice but to ride on the "illegal school bus."
CCP’s Ministry of Education data show that of the total primary
and middle school incidents, 70% took place in the rural areas.

In China, traffic accidents each year cause over 20,000
primary and middle school students’ injuries and deaths.
On July 1, 2010, China put into effect the first mandatory
national standard of ‘Safety and Technical Criteria for Primary School Buses.’
However, lots of poor-area schools lack funds,
and cannot afford a school bus.

Gansu’s illegal school bus accident incited netizens’ grief,
and they are asking for accountability from CCP authorities.
Netizen: "Possessing USD 1 trillion of US treasury bonds,
spending RMB 300 billion on official car purchases, yet you cannot afford a school bus?"
Another netizen said: "How did the Education Ministry and
Transportation Ministry consider children's safety issues?
Could it be said that China’s laws are stipulated just for fun?"

Former ‘China's Civilian Run Business’ magazine reporter,
Liu Yiming, commented on the accident.
He said that the CCP one-party autocracy is the root cause
of lax law enforcement and education corruption.

Liu Yiming: "Apparently, it was not just an accident, but was
rather a man-made disaster. CCP authorities should be asked for accountability.
They are not willing to spend money for doing real work,
but are very generous to spend money on their own interests.
That’s why now China presents a situation
of wealthy authorities and poor civilians.”

CCP authorities’ fiscal revenue in 2011 will exceed
RMB 10 trillion.
The goal of the educational expenditure accounting for 4%
of GDP, proposed for 18 years, has not, and will not be achieved.
Shabby facilities and those out-of-school children’s schooling
are relying on the limited financial support by civilians.

Tianya Observation bitterly criticizes the CCP authorities
for its turning the Chinese into a nation that keeps harming its descendants.
'Daily Economic News’ editorial questions: “How many more
children's lives would be exchanged for school buses’ safety?”

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Li Yuanhan and Xiao Yan