【禁闻】富姐吴英被判死刑 引发政治事件













《新华社》6号连续发布了两篇稿件,讨论《普通案件为何成法治事件?吴英案标本意义分析》与《“吴英案”引热议 凸显中国金融体制改革急迫性》。一些所谓的专家学者也分析了“吴英案”背后法治、金融和经济领域的问题。


Death Sentence of Wu Ying Triggered Political Incidents

Chairman of the True Qualities of Holding Group in Dongyang City,
Zhejiang Province, Wu Ying was sentenced to death
during her second trial, for collecting funds and fraud,
triggering widespread attention in China and abroad.
Netizens started a rare discussion over social justice,
financial monopoly, death penalty reform,
of a way-out of private capital, values and standards, etc.

An ordinary economic case has quickly evolved into
a political and legal event.

January 18-Zhejiang Supreme People's Court sentenced
Wu Ying to death for "Collective Fraud" in the second trial.
In just half a month, it has evolved into a political event:

Micro-blog—“Public Opinions Summary of Wu Ying's Case”
is updated frequently with related comments.
Scholars of Beijing University, Quinghua University,
and Zhejiang University among others, as well as some
well-known lawyers have sent letters to the Supreme Court
asking to spare Wu Ying's life.
Also the internet poll: "Wu Ying Does Not Deserve to Die"
shows that most voters do not think Wu Ying deserves death.

China Entrepreneurs Forum: Economist Zhang Weiying says,

“If Wu Ying is sentenced to death for fund-raising, I do not
know how many people should not be sentenced to death."

Zhang Sizhi, known as the "conscience of Chinese lawyers"

pointed out that implementation of Wu Ying's death penalty
will affect China's economic development.

Economist Mao Yushi, entrepreneur Wang Shi, and Ren
Zhiqiang also think Wu Ying's “crimes do not deserve death.”

According to the British Financial Times, Wu Ying confessed
during the trial that officials were involved in loan sharking,
causing more than 10 officials to collectively wrote to
the higher level, asking for severe punishment of Wu Ying.
These people are the real killers of Wu Ying.

Writer Ye Tan said publicly that there are violations of law,

rules and procedures in this case, reflecting a high possibility
that local officials are criminals.

Accordingly Wu Ying's funds have been coming from
11 friends and relatives—none of them sued her.
Wu Ying's real estate properties were forced to be auctioned.

This is the first case receiving such large-scale support from
people, showing the case as being something unique.

Economist Gong Shengli: “She used wisdom and ability to
collect capitals and earn profit. It is the result of wisdom.
In China today, whether it is legal or not depends on approval.
Those in line with the ruling party are valid, others are not.

China's writer Tie Liu, who was once a private entrepreneur,
thinks Wu Ying had no other choice but to try to get support.
To do big business in China, earn big money and get rich,
one has to take this route. But the risk is huge.

Tie Liu (Writer):“Wu Ying was able to lend up to ¥700 million.
She might have given hundreds of millions to corrupt officials.
It might get stuck at a certain point, breaking the capital chain.
So officials took two ways, one—to eliminate the witness.
Why did local Hangzhou officials write letters together asking
for the death of Wu Ying? Are they trying to hide their crimes?
The second way is to take away Wu Ying's property.
Such a death sentence is not fair. Wu Ying is innocent.”

However, even the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media
could not remain silent.

January 6—Xinhua News Agency published two articles:

“Why Did a General Case Become a Legal Event?—
Significance and Analysis of Wu Ying's Case”,
and “Wu Ying's Case Causes Heated Discussions—
Showing the Urgency of China's Financial System Reform.
Some so-called experts and scholars analyzed the rule of law
and the financial and economic issues behind Wu Ying's case.

NTD reports Qing Xue, Song Feng and Xiao Yan