【新唐人2012年3月12日讯】美国卡耐基梅隆大学的语言技术研究院(Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon)的数位学者做出一项研究,并发表在《新科学家》期刊上。研究深入观察了中国如何控制微博网站上的讨论,分析了6000万条微博信息,从中确定哪些话题是被禁的。研究发现,法轮功、人权以及艾未未等都是被禁的话题。国内学者表示,大陆网友已经习惯采取各种方式同审查者玩攻防战,最大限度的利用社交网络打破官方媒介的垄断,传播真实的心声。
New Scientist On CCP’s Censorship Of Microblogs
Chinese Communist Party'(CCP) control over microblogs'
discussions was recently on focus by US scholars.
Experts from Carnegie Mellon’s Language Technologies
Institute published an article on the topic in New Scientist.
The researchers analyzed as many as 60 million posts
to verify those forbidden topics.
Not surprisingly, “Falun Gong", “Human rights,"
and “Ai Weiwei" are found to be on the filter list.
Chinese scholars remarked that the mainland netizens
are used to playing “letter games" against the censorship.
They are trying to spread the truth and their true thoughts
as much as they can, using the social networks.
US researchers have found that China’s censorship system
has a short response time.
Any word which is politically sensitive will be censored.
Chinese scholars reveal the controlled by CCP discussions.
They include political topics, public events or emergencies,
perceived by CCP as “threatening" to its “stability,"
Lei Yi (Researcher, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences):
"In general, political topics are always more sensitive than others, such as economy and livelihood."
Ye Kuangzheng (Cultural commentator,): “It’s almost known
to everyone, that some words are all-time banned, such as 'Falun Gong' and 'June Fourth Incident.'
On the other hand, the general list of forbidden words
is increasing day by day.
For example, the topic of Wang Lijun’s defecting became
hot online, thus 'Wang Lijun' might be added to the list too.
Every event CCP sees as a threat to its 'political stability,'
is regarded as sensitive, like the 'Wukan event'."
In the past, the strictly censored traditional media
were the only source for information for the Chinese people.
But as microblogs and other forms of social network emerge,
the Chinese found a very convenient way to communicate and express themselves.
Though the posts can be frequently deleted
by the censorship, the netizens never surrender.
They keep fighting back against the system,
using their courage and wisdom.
Ye Kuangzheng: “We live in a speech'censorship
environment all our lives.
Thus we have to get used to these ways of expression
when we have something to say.
I think every microblogger knows how to use a metaphor.
We also talk intensively before a word becomes sensitive."
Lei Yi: “We are used to such a life style.
They delete it using their ways, we talk using our ways.
For example, a widely used trick is to add a 'period'
or a 'star' between the characters."
Ye said that the social networks are very useful
in helping people free their minds.
Ye Kuangzheng: “Compared to the official or traditional
censored media, microblogs provide more speech' freedom.
For example, if making personal comments is not allowed,
I can spread some facts and truths instead.
Many of my family members and friends, including some
very conservative ones, have changed their opinions on the government or the society after using microblogs."
Furthermore, the microblogs unprecedentedly bring
the social elites and ordinary people close to each other.
Ye pointed that in the past the lives of scholars, intellectuals
and officials were completely separated from the civilians.
Now the appearance of microblogs provides
a common platform shared by all different groups.
The elites can learn how ordinary people think, and people
can publicly express opinions on political events or topics.
New Scientist On CCP’s Censorship Of Microblogs
Chinese Communist Party'(CCP) control over microblogs'
discussions was recently on focus by US scholars.
Experts from Carnegie Mellon’s Language Technologies
Institute published an article on the topic in New Scientist.
The researchers analyzed as many as 60 million posts
to verify those forbidden topics.
Not surprisingly, “Falun Gong", “Human rights,"
and “Ai Weiwei" are found to be on the filter list.
Chinese scholars remarked that the mainland netizens
are used to playing “letter games" against the censorship.
They are trying to spread the truth and their true thoughts
as much as they can, using the social networks.
US researchers have found that China’s censorship system
has a short response time.
Any word which is politically sensitive will be censored.
Chinese scholars reveal the controlled by CCP discussions.
They include political topics, public events or emergencies,
perceived by CCP as “threatening" to its “stability,"
Lei Yi (Researcher, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences):
"In general, political topics are always more sensitive than others, such as economy and livelihood."
Ye Kuangzheng (Cultural commentator,): “It’s almost known
to everyone, that some words are all-time banned, such as 'Falun Gong' and 'June Fourth Incident.'
On the other hand, the general list of forbidden words
is increasing day by day.
For example, the topic of Wang Lijun’s defecting became
hot online, thus 'Wang Lijun' might be added to the list too.
Every event CCP sees as a threat to its 'political stability,'
is regarded as sensitive, like the 'Wukan event'."
In the past, the strictly censored traditional media
were the only source for information for the Chinese people.
But as microblogs and other forms of social network emerge,
the Chinese found a very convenient way to communicate and express themselves.
Though the posts can be frequently deleted
by the censorship, the netizens never surrender.
They keep fighting back against the system,
using their courage and wisdom.
Ye Kuangzheng: “We live in a speech'censorship
environment all our lives.
Thus we have to get used to these ways of expression
when we have something to say.
I think every microblogger knows how to use a metaphor.
We also talk intensively before a word becomes sensitive."
Lei Yi: “We are used to such a life style.
They delete it using their ways, we talk using our ways.
For example, a widely used trick is to add a 'period'
or a 'star' between the characters."
Ye said that the social networks are very useful
in helping people free their minds.
Ye Kuangzheng: “Compared to the official or traditional
censored media, microblogs provide more speech' freedom.
For example, if making personal comments is not allowed,
I can spread some facts and truths instead.
Many of my family members and friends, including some
very conservative ones, have changed their opinions on the government or the society after using microblogs."
Furthermore, the microblogs unprecedentedly bring
the social elites and ordinary people close to each other.
Ye pointed that in the past the lives of scholars, intellectuals
and officials were completely separated from the civilians.
Now the appearance of microblogs provides
a common platform shared by all different groups.
The elites can learn how ordinary people think, and people
can publicly express opinions on political events or topics.