【禁闻】坚持抗争 内蒙牧民拒绝条件交换















采访/陈汉 编辑/李庭 后制/孙宁


Inner Mongolia Protests “Won't Stop”

Recently, villagers in Inner Mongolia went
to the local government to protest again.
They were dissatisfied with the local state-owned
Xinglongzhao illegal occupation of land.
However, the police suppressed them,
and 22 people were arrested.
On April 3, over 40 villagers went to Naimanqi government
to protest and ask for the release of arrested villagers.
Authorities met with five representatives, but asked them
not to talk about the land issue before anyone is released.
Villagers did not accept the condition, and indicated
they would fight until the arrested herders are freed.

On April 2, hundreds of residents of Tuligacha Village,
Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia, went to protest
against their local government's illegal land occupation.

Naimanqi Public Security Department sent 30 police cars
and about 80 policemen to suppress the protests.
It is said that 22 villagers were arrested, and 5 seriously
injured. The demonstrations continued to April 3.

The Southern Mongolia Human Rights Information Center
announced of another protest on the afternoon of April 2.
Hundreds of residents in Tuligacha Village protested
against local government's illegal land occupying, trying to prevent the entry of an excavator.
Representatives of local residents said that the authorities
had occupied 10k acres of land for many years.
In the past few months, they have repeatedly sent teams to
the governments in Tongliao, Inner Mongolia, and Beijing.
But the problem is not paid attention to. Public security
departments sent policemen to take the petitioners back.
When government leaders met with them, they threatened
to even arrest or detain them, said the representatives.

The villagers held up banners, "Stop illegal detention,"
“Release arrested herdsman," and "Return the land."

Later on, Naimanqi Public Security Bureau sent out
about 80 police officers and 30 police cars.
The villagers were violently suppressed.
Twenty two were arrested, and five were seriously injured.

Three of the 22 arrested villagers had deteriorating health
and had to go to hospital.
According to the herders, police injected unknown
substance into their mouths, and the detainees started to vomit and got dizzy.

On the evening of April 3, villagers sent text messages to
the Southern Mongolia Human Rights Information Center.
They said, they “won't stop protesting until the government
releases all detainees, compensates their losses,
punishes people who harmed petitioners, and returns their land.”

In the past, the policy on the Inner Mongolian land
categorized it as a national ownership.
However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) changed this
to state ownership and gave them the right to use it only.
This is a form of land deprivation. CCP freely occupies land,
setting horse farms, shooting galleries, oil fields, etc.
Large-scale land acquisition and energy development
led to harming the traditional grasslands which herdsmen live of.

Xi Haiming, Chairman of Inner Mongolia Human Rights
Allies in Germany commented on the issue.
Xi said, repression of Inner Mongolia had always existed,
the CCP had crazily ravened resources of Inner Mongolia.
Especially in recent years. But Mongols didn't get anything.
They just march or protest to the CCP in order to survive.

Xi Haiming: "Guangdong is near Hong Kong, which enjoys

the international community'attention, so CCP yielded
somewhat there in regards to the Wukan events.
Now the rule of the CCP has reached a critical stage,
so it can not compromise.
Thus, it will be stricter in Inner Mongolia, Tibet
and other border areas.
They suppress local people's resistance, and also give
a warning to others, to threaten and frighten people."

Xi Haiming thinks Inner Mongolia' incident is not an isolated
case. Land ownership deprivation is widely spread.

Xi Haiming: "The Mongolian grassland was originally
national ownership, but the CCP conducted a land reform.
They made the land state-owned by law,
and just gave pastoralists the right to use it.
However, now even the basic right to use it
is not guaranteed anymore."

In May 2011, Mo Regen from Xilinguole, Inner Mongolia,
led herders to protect against their land' abuse.
Mo was run over by a coal mine truck and this incident
triggered protests by thousands of local people.
Xi Haiming pointed out that the Inner Mongolia land issue,
is rather related to Chinese authorities' policy of suppressing ethnic minorities.

Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center's
Director, Enhe Batu,
also urged the international community to pay attention to
the human rights violations in Inner Mongolian.