【禁闻】薄兄辞国企 权贵家族敛财术可观










美国《纽约时报》4月13号发表记者安德鲁•雅各布斯,和迈克尔•瓦恩斯联合署名的报导,报导说“一位跟谷开来家人有关系的中共学术人员表示,重庆前公安局长王立军指控谷开来向国外转移上亿美元的财产。 ”


采访/秦雪 编辑/周平 后制/钟元


Bo Xilai's Elder Brother Quits

China Everbright International is parented
by China Everbright Group, a large state-owned enterprise.
China Everbright International announced on April 25,
the resignation of its vice-chairman “Li Xueming.”
“Li Xueming” is an alias of Bo Xiyong, the elder brother
of Bo Xilai, former Party secretary of Chongqing.
A posh villa located in the U.S., owned by Bo Xilai's sister
was recently uncovered by the media.
Earlier, a Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s
central working group has been sent to Hong Kong.
The group was reported to probe
Bo families' assets there.
Chinese public condemned the unfair ways by which
the CCP's ruling elite have amassed their wealth.

Bo Xilai's elder brother Bo Xiyong, alias Li Xueming,

was earlier reported as executive director and
deputy general manager of China Everbright Group.
Bo Xiyong's annual salary was up to USD1.7 million.

Hong Kong Stock Exchange' data revealed that Li Xueming
sold 12 million shares of China Everbright International in 2010 and 2011, cashing in USD5.6 million.
The Everbright International Annual Report said,
Li Xueming could sell another 10 million shares of Everbright International.

On April 25, Everbright International formally announced
Li Xueming's resignation.
It stated, Li's decision aimed to avoid the negative impact
caused by recent media reports on his family background.
The note claimed that “Li Xueming's” family background
has no connection with the company's business.

Wang Gang (Lecturer at Hebei University of Engineering):
"This is a product of the feudal society, i.e.
When a man is at court, all his followers are in favor;
One's criminal conviction involves his relatives to get punished.
The amount of senior officials' corruption is dramatic, and
the cost of corruption shall be covered by Chinese civilians.”

A posh villa owned by Jieying Bo, Bo Xilai's 2nd elder sister,
was exposed by the Epoch Times.
The villa is located in Wellesley,
the western suburbs of Massachusetts.
Its current real estate' market value is estimated to be
no less than USD 2 millions, according to the news report.

Hong Kong's South China Morning Post said that the CCP's
central task group has began to investigate assets held by Bo Xilai and his families in Hong Kong.

Media reported that Bo Xilai's wife Gu Kailai has four sisters.
The disclosed personal assets of Gu's two sisters have totaled USD126 million.
The assets were reportedly acquired
mainly by holding stocks and property investment.

Media revealed that the Bo family's assets have reached
at least USD136 million.
Bo Xilai's relatives, under different false names,
had incorporated a number of overseas companies.

Xie Zhaoping (former reporter of Fang Yuan magazine):
"If they use illegal means to amass those money, it's certain we ordinary people won't nod to it.
As China's citizen, I have such a sense of right and wrong.
I think he'll receive law punishment if he got those illegally."

New York Times published an article by Jacobs and Wines
on April 13, on the issue.
It said, “According to a party academic with ties to the family,
Mr. Bo's former police chief, Wang Lijun,
accused Ms. Gu of transferring abroad a sum
equivalent to hundreds of millions of dollars.”

Jiang Weiping, former journalist from Dalian city, disclosed
to the media that Gu Kailai opened a law firm in early 1990s. At that time Bo was mayor of Dalian.
Later on, Gu set up a consulting firm and pulled the strings
of a lot of government projects for local contractors.
In 1995, Gu moved the company to Beijing, and began
to use political connections to build a wider range of commercial customers.
Bo and Gu became a “commercialized combination
of political connections.”