截至目前,中国在建的摩天大楼总数已经超过200座。南京有450米的紫峰大厦,广州东塔的高度也达到了530 米,武汉绿地中心、深圳平安金融中心两座高楼的高度分别达到了606米和660米。报导说,预计未来3年,中国大陆平均每5天就有一座摩天大楼封顶。而据测算,5年后中国将拥有800座摩天高楼,相当于美国今天的4倍。其中80%将建在经济不发达的内陆地区。
着名学者、中国财经独立评论家巩胜利:“中国在搞形象工程,各个城市各个省之间都在抓形象工程,摩天大楼简单的说,基本上就是说形象工程的产物。 因为党政官员没有政绩怎么做下去呢?”
今年以来大陆宏观经济出现疲软迹象,似乎对此也有所警示。官方数据显示,今年1至5月财政收入同比增幅显着回落。 5月份中国制造业采购经理人指数“PMI”为50.4%,创5个月以来新低﹔生产者物价指数“PPI”同比下跌1.4%,为2009年12月以来最低点。
采访/刘惠 编辑/许旻 后制/钟元
Skyscrapers Herald China’s Economic Crash
Nowadays, Skyscrapers above 500 meter height
have become commonplace in China.
However, cities’ competitiveness to build higher and higher
skyscrapers continued.
The 606-meter-high Wuhan Greenland Centre is expected
to be increased by 30 meters to become China’s tallest building.
Recently Changsha city, Hunan announced building the world’s
tallest skyscraper;50 floors more than Burj Khalifa, Dubai.
People worried that skyscraper fever would lead to
more safety risks.
Experts said that China’s skyscrapers craze
may indicate an economic crash.
More than 200 skyscrapers are now
under construction in China.
Nanjing Zifeng Tower reached 450 meters height,
Guangzhou East Tower will be at 530 meters.
Wuhan Greenland Centre will be at 606 meters and Shenzhen
Ping An Finance Center is expected to be at 660 meters.
Reports said that China would get a new skyscraper
every five days for the next three years.
Research found that in five years time,
China will have 800 skyscrapers.
Equivalent to four times the total number of
skyscrapers in the US.
About 80% of new buildings will be built on
underdeveloped areas in China.
Greenland Group revealed that property businessmen
don’t want to do landmark buildings, but the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) does.
Gong Shengli, China financial independent commentator said:
“China is engaged in image projects in cities and provinces.
Speeded up building of Skyscrapers is due to image projects.
Without remarkable achievements, how the CCP officials
continue to justify their jobs?”
According to reports, Changsha’s Sky City project is due
for completion within 7 months.
However, the world’s tallest building Burj Khalifa in Dubai
took 6 years to complete.
Netizens questioned the safety of China’s skyscrapers.
Fire fighting and rescue in Skyscrapers is another problem.
A Beijing fire station official pointed out that once on fire,
chances of escaping from high-level floors is almost zero.
On Nov.15th 2010, a 28-storey teachers’ apartment
in Jingan District in Shanghai was on fire, 53 died.
Gong Shengli, “For skyscrapers, first, it needs rational design,
second, it must guarantee sufficient time to build well.
For example, cement solidification needs a certain time,
reinforced concrete quality must be good.
If these can’t be achieved, the future problems are countless.”
Research found over last 140 years, a frenzy of skyscrapers
is also a reliable indicator of an impending financial crash.
The Chrysler Building and Empire State Building in New York
were completed just before the Stock Market Crash in 1929.
Recently, those skyscrapers in Dubai were built just before
the Great Recession.
China’s macro-economy tends shows weakness in recent years,
which seems like a warning.
Official statistics show fiscal revenue increase was down,
compared to the January-May period in 2011.
In May, manufacturing sector Purchasing Managers Index
(PMI) was 50.4%, the lowest point in the first months of 2012.
The Producer Price Index (PPI) fell 1.4% in May from last year,
a drop to the lowest point since Dec. 2009.
Gong Shengli, “Being a country of 1.3 billion populations,
its capital is gathered in state owned capital.
China has so many citizens and industries and no breakthrough.
It can only concentrate on real estate, image projects or
tallest buildings.
To invest in such way, if you think about it,
such cases are commonplace.”
According to a survey, 87% of global skyscrapers
under construction are in China.
Gong Shengli believes that, soon, China’s skyscrapers
will be reveal fatal flaws. The outcomes perhaps will shock the world.
截至目前,中国在建的摩天大楼总数已经超过200座。南京有450米的紫峰大厦,广州东塔的高度也达到了530 米,武汉绿地中心、深圳平安金融中心两座高楼的高度分别达到了606米和660米。报导说,预计未来3年,中国大陆平均每5天就有一座摩天大楼封顶。而据测算,5年后中国将拥有800座摩天高楼,相当于美国今天的4倍。其中80%将建在经济不发达的内陆地区。
着名学者、中国财经独立评论家巩胜利:“中国在搞形象工程,各个城市各个省之间都在抓形象工程,摩天大楼简单的说,基本上就是说形象工程的产物。 因为党政官员没有政绩怎么做下去呢?”
今年以来大陆宏观经济出现疲软迹象,似乎对此也有所警示。官方数据显示,今年1至5月财政收入同比增幅显着回落。 5月份中国制造业采购经理人指数“PMI”为50.4%,创5个月以来新低﹔生产者物价指数“PPI”同比下跌1.4%,为2009年12月以来最低点。
采访/刘惠 编辑/许旻 后制/钟元
Skyscrapers Herald China’s Economic Crash
Nowadays, Skyscrapers above 500 meter height
have become commonplace in China.
However, cities’ competitiveness to build higher and higher
skyscrapers continued.
The 606-meter-high Wuhan Greenland Centre is expected
to be increased by 30 meters to become China’s tallest building.
Recently Changsha city, Hunan announced building the world’s
tallest skyscraper;50 floors more than Burj Khalifa, Dubai.
People worried that skyscraper fever would lead to
more safety risks.
Experts said that China’s skyscrapers craze
may indicate an economic crash.
More than 200 skyscrapers are now
under construction in China.
Nanjing Zifeng Tower reached 450 meters height,
Guangzhou East Tower will be at 530 meters.
Wuhan Greenland Centre will be at 606 meters and Shenzhen
Ping An Finance Center is expected to be at 660 meters.
Reports said that China would get a new skyscraper
every five days for the next three years.
Research found that in five years time,
China will have 800 skyscrapers.
Equivalent to four times the total number of
skyscrapers in the US.
About 80% of new buildings will be built on
underdeveloped areas in China.
Greenland Group revealed that property businessmen
don’t want to do landmark buildings, but the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) does.
Gong Shengli, China financial independent commentator said:
“China is engaged in image projects in cities and provinces.
Speeded up building of Skyscrapers is due to image projects.
Without remarkable achievements, how the CCP officials
continue to justify their jobs?”
According to reports, Changsha’s Sky City project is due
for completion within 7 months.
However, the world’s tallest building Burj Khalifa in Dubai
took 6 years to complete.
Netizens questioned the safety of China’s skyscrapers.
Fire fighting and rescue in Skyscrapers is another problem.
A Beijing fire station official pointed out that once on fire,
chances of escaping from high-level floors is almost zero.
On Nov.15th 2010, a 28-storey teachers’ apartment
in Jingan District in Shanghai was on fire, 53 died.
Gong Shengli, “For skyscrapers, first, it needs rational design,
second, it must guarantee sufficient time to build well.
For example, cement solidification needs a certain time,
reinforced concrete quality must be good.
If these can’t be achieved, the future problems are countless.”
Research found over last 140 years, a frenzy of skyscrapers
is also a reliable indicator of an impending financial crash.
The Chrysler Building and Empire State Building in New York
were completed just before the Stock Market Crash in 1929.
Recently, those skyscrapers in Dubai were built just before
the Great Recession.
China’s macro-economy tends shows weakness in recent years,
which seems like a warning.
Official statistics show fiscal revenue increase was down,
compared to the January-May period in 2011.
In May, manufacturing sector Purchasing Managers Index
(PMI) was 50.4%, the lowest point in the first months of 2012.
The Producer Price Index (PPI) fell 1.4% in May from last year,
a drop to the lowest point since Dec. 2009.
Gong Shengli, “Being a country of 1.3 billion populations,
its capital is gathered in state owned capital.
China has so many citizens and industries and no breakthrough.
It can only concentrate on real estate, image projects or
tallest buildings.
To invest in such way, if you think about it,
such cases are commonplace.”
According to a survey, 87% of global skyscrapers
under construction are in China.
Gong Shengli believes that, soon, China’s skyscrapers
will be reveal fatal flaws. The outcomes perhaps will shock the world.