【禁闻】陆媒坦言 党媒官媒被网路边缘化

















采访编辑/李韵 后制/李月

Chinese Media Admit Traditional Media
Are Marginalized by Internet

China Youth Daily recently published an article stating
that Chinese Communist Party (CCP) key media always keeps silent at critical times.
The article points out that traditional media pretending
not to know the facts does not really blind people.
It only gives an opportunity for other media to report.

Commentators point out that many media professionals
are not satisfied with the CCP’s long-term control.
It finally reveals their attitudes on the newspaper.

China Youth Daily published a commentator’s article entitled
Some Matters Cannot Be Ignored by Pretending Not To See.
It states that a strange phenomenon has occurred recently.

When some incidents are reported on the internet, such as
microblogging, with eyewitness pictures and narration,
there is nothing reported by the traditional media,
such as newspaper, television or radio.

The article also states that traditional media pretending
not to see what is happening will not blind people.
It only gives other the opportunity to report.

The more they want to cover things up, the more serious
the issues will become, and can even go beyond control.

Former Hebei Broadcasting Station editor Zhu Xinxin points
out that this article talks about what people want to say.
It highlights the desertification of those
media professionals with conscience.

Zhu Xinxin: “It shows many official media professionals
are very unhappy, and finally express it in the newspaper.
It shows why recently some people once again are calling
for media laws, which reflects what people want.”

In the 1980’s, the CCP authorities approved a team to draft
media laws, but these law have never been finalized.

Zhu Xinxin points out that former CCP senior official,
Chen Yun, once admitted that in the past,
the CCP used the Kuomintang's new media laws
to attack the Kuomintang.
It will not be convenient to control
media once there is a law.

Zhu Xinxin: “If someone violates the CCP’s rules,
they will be disciplined and punished.
The CCP doesn’t dare to have media laws.

It doesn’t want to document anything, as this will expose
the authorities’ totalitarian nature in front of the whole world.”

An article from People’s Daily also stated that people who
complain about traditional media are marginalized on the internet.
It seems that traditional media has lost its control,
but in fact, it is the government that has lost its control.

Internet writer Jing Chu points out that CCP traditional
media is its mouthpiece that it uses to mislead people.

Jing Chu: “Mouthpiece media has a rule to expand tiny
negative incidents that happen in the West into major events.
It shrinks major positive events in the West into tiny events.

It also does the opposite for things in China.
It misleads people in China.”

Jin Chu comments that people do not believe in traditional
media, and the authorities and its media have lost credibility.

Jing Chu: “Official media have been abandoned
by people, and no one believes in them.
Whenever something happens, Xinhua News Agency will
have the standard report to share with all other official media.
Only party’s voice is allowed.”

The U.S. Department of States Report on Human Rights
Practices for 2011 indicates that China is a dictatorship.
The human rights situation in China continues to deteriorate,
especially in the aspect of freedoms of speech and to gather.

Zhu Xinxin: “All social problems need to be exposed
by media, so that they can be resolved.
If they are covered up, they will become more dangerous.
Future reform in China must start by stopping media control.”

Zhu Xinxin said internet media has developed very fast,
and that the CCP cannot control it anymore.
The CCP should follow people’s wishes to open up media,
and allow the media environment in China to be like that in democratic countries.