














采访编辑/刘惠 后制/萧宇

Japanese Defense White Paper Pays Attention
to China’s Internal Affairs for First Time

While China is going through increasingly fierce disputes
over sovereignty with its neighbors in the East China Sea
and South China Sea, the Japanese military's Defense
White Paper (White Paper) is due to be released.
The White Paper this year again targets China, discussing
the relationship between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and the Chinese military.
It emphasizes that the growing strength of China's military
constitutes a threat to Japan. Japan should be on alert.
Observers believe the “Wang Lijun Event” has lead to caution
around the world toward the destructive nature of the CCP.
Each country is watching the CCP 18th Congress
and its impact on the world.

Japans’ White Paper will be published
around the end of July or early August.
Japan’s Yomiuri News has revealed some of its contents.

It especially discusses the CCP’s relationship with Chinese
society, and the ongoing changes of that relationship.

The report points out that the CCP has followed
the principle of “CCP Leading the Military.”
Recently, the military has been getting stronger,
with greater impact on foreign policies.
The national defense budget has increased sharply
about thirty times in the past twenty-four years.
In addition, newly developed warships and flight carriers,
as well as with ships cruising in seas close to Japan,
reflect that China’s military is improving it’s naval capacity,
and so Japan should be on heightened alert.

Commentator Lan Shu said that China’s neighboring
countries are worried about China's political instability.
Each faction in China’s internal struggle
will ask for allegiance from the military.
It will cater for the military’s need in launching
wars, and shifting internal conflicts.

Lan Shu: “These neighboring countries
are not worried about China or Chinese people.
They are concerned about the CCP’s social system.

The CCP system has resulted in profound
social conflicts and instabilities.
In order to ensure power transition in the 18th Congress,
the CCP might export its problems and cover up conflicts.”

Lan Shu also expressed that the international society
is fully aware the CCP military does not belong to China.
He said that during the many CCP political movements,
whoever has the military will take the power.
The concern of the international society
toward China is actually concern over the CCP.

Lan Shu: “The latest White Paper from Japan not only
reflects the attention of the Japanese government
and the Japanese people on the internal CCP conflicts
before the 18th Congress.
It also reflects the attention of the international
towards China’s social instability.
Everyone knows China’s military belongs to the CCP."

Lan Shu said China’s military has three power factions.

It has the ‘crown prince’ faction, Jiang Zemin’s faction
and the group asking to nationalize the military.
The three power groups have equal strength,
and none of them will give in to the others.

During the high-level internal conflicts a few months ago,
the CCP’s president Hu Jintao has conducted large-scale
changes to the Committee of Political and Legislative
Committee, as well as the military police.
High-level military officials were also re-arranged.
Military leaders all show loyalty towards Hu Jintao.

However, Wu Fan, the Chief Editor of China Affairs
thinks that
although leaders of the military show loyalty to Hu,
it does not mean they are stable in their attitude.

Wu Fan: “They have to be loyal now. The military
depends on the government, so it has to show loyalty.
Their promotion is also given
by the military committee chairman.”

Wu Fan points out that Japan is worried that China
will turn into a country led by a military power.

Along with disputes over the Eastern China Sea, Japan’s
Ambassador to China, Uichiro Niwa, was also recently called back to Japan.
His criticism over Tokyo’s purchase of Diao Yu Island
caused dissatisfaction among Japanese media.
However, Uichiro Niwa claimed at the Beijing Airport
that his returning to Japan is to report latest developments.
According to media, the sudden calling back
of the ambassador is measured used against resistance.

The report stated that Uichiro Niwa is returning to China
on July 16, but did not mention if he will be replaced.
However, Japan’s foreign minister Kōichirō Gemba,
met with Uichiro Niwa and asked him to accurately convey Japan’s policy.