【禁闻】启东大冲突 中国巨变来临?














采访编辑/李韵 后制/朱娣

Qidong Incidents: A Revolution Prelude

The outbreak of large-scale mass incidents
in Qidong, Nantong, Jiangsu Province have been reported in many foreign media.
Overseas media believe that Chinese people
no longer believe the Chinese authorities.
The Qidong incident is another example
of successful public protesting.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) state-controlled
media published an editorial. It stated that "stories in Qidong and Shifang should not be repeated.”
Commentators suggest that the Qidong conflicts
are a prelude to the great uprising of the people.
Democratic revolution cannot be avoided,
with great changes just around the corner in China.

Within less than a month of incidents in Shifang, on July 28,
a nearly identical scene was staged in Qidong, Nantong.
100, 000 people went into the municipal government,
carrying banners and wearing T-shirts with slogans defending their homeland.
They were protesting against Japan's Oji Paper company,
constructing polluting industrial processes in Qidong.

Angry people rushed into the city government office.

After finding famous brand cigarettes, wine and other luxury
items in the mayor's office, public anger intensified.
They turned over a police car, and stripped
clothes off the CCP secretary Sun Jianhua.
After the Qidong Public Security Bureau announced
on it's official microblog that
Nantong Municipal Government had decided to permanently
cancel the Nantong Marine Discharge Project, the event was temporarily cooled down.

Tang Baiqiao, U.S. Chairman of the China Peace Alliance,

and Chancellor of the Chinese Democracy University
commented in an interview with NTD Television.
Nobody within the CCP dares to say anything
when facing the surging mass incidents.
It means it has been out of control, and the democratic
revolution in China cannot be avoided.

Tang Baiqiao: "We can say that it is an uprising,
and a prelude to a democratic revolution.
Democratic revolution is not an overnight thing.
In this prelude to democratic revolution, I think the most
important thing is people within the system should
all be aware that this revolution cannot be avoided.
We do not say it necessarily needs to be bloodshed.
It includes a peaceful revolution.
The revolution is to essentially launch
a qualitative leap forward, not backward."

On July 30, the CCP mouthpiece People's Daily
published a commentary on the Qidong event.
It claimed that only when the government
becomes accountable and transparent, and
citizens received rational resolutions for their appeals, a positive interaction mechanism
may be established between citizens and government.

Hu Jun, a leader of Rights Movement said citizens have
been rational for many years, and now it is unbearable.
Protests could not be suppressed.

The CCP began to talk about transparency,
which is its usual trick to deceive the people.

Hu Jun: "The disintegration of the CCP
system is the most important.
If the regime can abandon its so-called power and give it back
to the people, then it certainly does not need to be transparent.
We all know that every time people revolt, the regime
panics, and starts to talk about communication they need."

Tang Baiqiao points out that Qidong people should
consider making Qidong an autonomous government.

Tang Baiqiao: “People on site should consider writing
a statement in line with the historical trend.
With reason, it should tell others that they are temporarily
governing the public authorities as an Interim Committee.
The CCP is corrupted, they cannot retreat,
or else the CCP will eradicate them.
The hundreds of thousands of people
are the elite of society and the pillars.
They are the most courageous of people.
They should assume this historic responsibility."

Le Monde in Germany also reported that on July 29,
Chinese citizens went to mass protests.
Within a month, people had stopped another industrial
project with a multi-billion Yuan investment.
Chinese citizens no longer trust authorities.

Hu Jun: "The entire CCP decision-making system
is not for the Chinese people, but for their (CCP) power.
Their (CCP) decisions all cause great harm to the Chinese
people, and will cause heavy loss of life.
How could we know the extent of harm
to life by the environmental pollution?
How many villages will suffer with cancer? How many
lost their lives after drinking contaminated water?"

Since 2009, Qidong people have been fighting with
the large project invested in by the Japanese.
On July 28, authorities announced cancellation
of construction plans for the sewage pipes.
People began to calm down.
However, the paper mill resumed work on July 29.
Japanese media pointed out that the paper mill sewage
has been discharging into the Yangtze River since last year.
The news triggered the anger of the people in the lower
reaches of the Yangtze River and Shanghai.
They called for people along the river to initiate
protests, forcing the plant responsible to close.
Protests may sweep over the Yangtze River Delta region.