
【新唐人2012年8月11日讯】法国历史学家阿历克西•德•托克维尔(Alexis de Tocqueville)所写的《旧制度与大革命》,被公认是研究“法国大革命”的一部经典之作。这本书近期在北京城被知识份子、甚至中南海的领导人热烈讨论,香港媒体透露,中共国务院副总理王歧山忧心中国现代化转型,不会顺利,稍有不慎,甚至会引发“大革命”。













采访/秦雪 编辑/周平 后制/广德

'Old Regime and the Revolution': Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan Concerned.

French historian Alexis de Tocquevilles “Old Regime
and the Revolution is widely acknowledged as a classical study of the French Revolution.
This work is being discussed heatedly by Beijing scholars.

Hong Kong media revealed that Wang Qishan, Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) Vice Premier is concerned about the modern China in transition.
If something does not go smoothly, and there
is carelessness would, it will cause a great revolution.

Tocqueville famously states, “Democracy extends
the sphere of individual freedom, socialism restricts it.
Democracy attaches all possible value to each man,
socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number.
Democracy and socialism have nothing
in common but one word: equality.
But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality
in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.”

Tocqueville believes the reason relationships between social
classes intensifies is due mainly to a centralized power.
According to this understanding, before the French
Revolution, France took on a centralized system incomparable to any other European country.
This placed executive, legislative and judicial
powers in a centralized authority.

The work “Old Regime and the Revolution” says that
great revolutions that have happened historically,
such as violent revolutions,
did not occur during a time of poverty.
They occurred when economic situations
brought polarization to society.
This is because at times like these,
conflict between social classes are incited.
It is easy for those at the bottom classes of the society
to turn their flames of their anger into flames of war.

Some scholars point out that the social background
at the time of French Revolution is very similar to the current conditions in China today.

Wang Tiancheng, Former Beijing University Law Professor:

“During these past few years, especially recently,
the call for revolution is becoming louder.
In reality, however, they have an intention,
which is not to change.
Once it becomes change, it will be more dangerous.

Change may speed up the collapse and
the society cannot control it.
They hold this perspective.
This is a problematic perspective.”

Wang also believes that if a dictatorial government refuses
revolution, then it is resisting the trend of change.
There is then no hope for people's freedom.

But the reality is now many dictatorial countries
have become democratic countries.
This was largely due to popular protests.

If a dictatorial regime refuses a revolution, then
things like the Jasmine revolution will take place.

Wang Tiancheng: “In reality you have to realize that not
changing is also dangerous. You can also be overthrown.
If your strategies are not right, if your rhythm and speed
is not right, if your goals are not right, then you also face the possibility of being overthrown.”

Wang suggests the CCP should
truly start a democratic change.
He thinks that sincerely initiating a change
in this regard will gain the trust of people.
It also faces the possibility of a success.

If they are slow or don't take public opinion seriously,
dragging out the time, then it is very possible the regime will be overthrown.

Wang Tiancheng: “Thinking that a refusal to change
can hinder the steps of history is wrong.
We saw a lot of dictatorial regimes collapse overnight,
and it collapses in just one night.
People’s protests overthrow it and paralyze it.
We’ve seen many things like this historically.”

Hong Kong’s Xinweiyuekan reported that CCP Vice Premier
Wang Qishan is very concerned about today's China.
He thinks that as a large country,
which plays a decisive role in the world,
whether from a historical perspective or from the current
global environment today, China's modern transformation will not be so smooth.
And Chinese people still have a long way to go.

In December last year, Hong Kong's Beiyunhe Publishing
Incorporation's new book “18th Battle of the Premiers”
mentioned that Wang Qishan also has his own “death point”.

His “death point” is that danger is surfacing within
the financial system that he is in charge of.
It would be hard for him to escape responsibility.

Prior to this, Reuters reported Wang disclosed
he wanted to amend China's Criminal Law.
He spoke extensively on legislative construction
and the works related to enacting laws.
