【禁闻】清剿空军 防薄军变 胡锦涛另有打算












大陆“民主墙”创办人之一 蔡桂华:“一朝天子一朝臣,这里面斗来斗去的,今天是悠着点的、明天可能又是一匹黑马,今天可能当初是比较红的,现在一下子一落千丈,各种各样的这些人物,都会在台面上表现出来。”


采访编辑/常春 后制/薛莉

Hu Jintao Wipes Out Air Force to Prevent Bo Xilai's Coup Plan

Just before the 18th National Congress, the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) launched a new adjustment of
the senior Air Force leaders, involving the headquarters,
and the Beijing, Chengdu and Lanzhou military regions.
The CCP designated the first “over 60” deputy leader
of the military region level in the Air Force.
Analysts say Hu Jintao's action involves plans other than
wiping out those people related to Bo Xilai's coup. Let's see the report!

According to Chinese media, with this round of adjustments,
Air Marshal Fang Jianguo was moved from the post of
the political commissar of Lanzhou Military Region Air Force
to the political commissar of the Air Force headquarters;
Major-general Liu Jian was promoted from the political
commissar of the Air Force Logistics Department to
the deputy political commissar of Lanzhou military region
and political commissar of Lanzhou military region Air Force;
The Air Marshal Wang Xiangfu, the political commissar of
Chengdu military region Air Force,
now also holds a position as the deputy political commissar
of Chengdu military region.

Major-general Ma Zhenjun was promoted from the post of
Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff, to commander of the Beijing military region Air Force;
And Major-general Ding Laihang was promoted from
Air Force Chief of Staff, Chengdu military region,
to deputy commander of Shenyang military region, and
commander of Shenyang military region Air Force concurrently.

Lin Zixu, a current affairs commentator says, this adjustment
covers the main area planned by Bo Xilai to launch a coup.
Zixu says the CCP senior leaders are preparing for
the 18th National Congress and will be paying attention to the military and eliminating Bo Xilai's forces.

[Lin Zixu]: "We saw this large-scale human rights' adjustment,
Which mainly focuses on the Chengdu, Lanzhou and Shenyang military regions
which have very deep relationships with Bo Xilai—
an official who's been removed from the CCP.
So we have reason to believe that this adjustment may be
Hu Jintao's further step to in eliminating the persons related to Bo Xilai's coup.”

NTD exclusive reported an insider's information:
Bo Xilai had tried to rope in and bribe the Lanzhou military,
especially the Air Force, to grab the top position—
but the source had not pointed out who was involved.

At the same time, Bo Xilai had visited Yunnan, just after
Wang Lijun's case took place.
Sources say the real reason Bo Xilai flew to Yunnan was to
plan mutiny; to “feed the seagulls” was just an excuse.
Bo's true purpose was to rope in the 14th Army—which had
been formerly led by his father, Bo Yibo—using the army to bargain with the central committee.

Also, the most attractive point in this military leadership
adjustment is of Major-general Ma Zhenjun, the newly named commander of Beijing military region Air Force.
In the Air Force history, Ma Zhenjun has become the first
officer aged over 60 to lead a military region Air Force—
that is, to become a military region deputy commander.

Lin Zixu analyzes that, this shows the intention of Hu Jintao
as being not only in eliminating Bo Xilai's force;
the promoted generals are relatively young
and do not have a strong factional background.

[Lin Zixu]: "Those generals have a successful career in the
prime of life, and must appreciate the person who promoted them.
I think this is the further measure in Hu Jintao's plan,

which helps him to set up his faction, so that he can then
control the military completely.
Controlling the Air Force means controlling
the core part of the modern military.
This is very important for Hu Jintao, for him to continue to
hold on to the position of chairman of the Central Military Commission, after the 18th national congress.”

Cai Guihua, one of the founders of the ‘Democracy Wall’
set up in 1979, says the CCP's factions have complicated relationships;
they struggle with each other but also use each other
as well—There they will have a good ‘show’.

[Cai Guihua]: “One leader has one group of supporters and
the factions struggle against each other within the CCP.
Today one person is restrained, but tomorrow that person
may become powerful like a black horse.
A person might have been very powerful, but today he may
fall down and have no power—there're all kinds of people.”

Cai Guihua hopes that one day, the CCP will disappear from
the stage of Chinese history, so that the Chinese people may uphold great wisdom again.