【禁闻】温家宝视察云南震区 官员当面撒谎


当地时间7号上午11点19分,云南省昭通市和贵州省毕节市交界发生5.7级地震,震源深度14公里。 12点16分,昭通市彝良县再次发生5.6级地震,震源深度10公里。大陆官方消息说,截至9号上午,这次连续“双震”已造成81人死亡,820人受伤。受灾人口超过74万人,经济损失约37亿元。












采访/易如 编辑/李谦 后制/周天

Yunnan Leader Lies to Premier Wen Jiabao about Earthquake Fatalities

Two consecutive earthquakes have recently
hit Zhaotong city in Yunnan Province.
Although moderate, these earthquakes, have
however, massively destroyed local buildings.
At least 80 people were killed.

In Yiliang County, over 300 school
buildings were varyingly damaged.
The collapsed building buried and killed three students.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Premier Wen Jiabao
flew to the disaster zone, inquiring about the students safety.
A local CCP leader lied that three students
were killed by stones rolling down the road.

On September 7, an earthquake struck
the border of Yunnan and Guizhou provinces.
It had a magnitude of 5.7, with a depth of 14 km.

About one hour later, another earthquake
hit in Zhaotong city, Yunnan Province.
It had a magnitude of 5.6, with a depth of 10 km.

The official tally alleged that the two earthquakes
caused 81 deaths, with 820 people injured.
Over 740,000 people were reportedly affected,
with economic losses estimated at RMB 3.7 Billion.

Local primary and secondary schools were seriously hit.
The earthquake damaged 517 schools in Zhaotong city.
In Yiliang County, over 300 school buildings were hit
to varying degrees, including 10 seriously damaged.
The Local Board of Education alleged the quakes
killed three students, with 20 students injured.

Official Chinese media reported that before it collapsed,

the wood-and-earth constructed buildings of Yunluo Primary
School had been in service for over 30 years.
The school has a total of 15 students,
and eight of them were buried.
Teachers and villagers rescued five of them, and three died.

On September 8, CCP Premier Wen Jiabao
inspected the quake-hit area in Yunnan.
Wen asked if there were students who
had died from collapsed school buildings.
The local CCP leader lied, stating that three students
were killed by stones rolling down the road.

Previously, WikiLeaks released a U.S. embassy
diplomatic cable about Wen Jiabao.
The cable revealed that Wen Jiabao
was “impatient with bureaucratic practices.”
Wen “constantly queries subordinates about his
itinerary and often deviates from his schedule,
because he is consumed with getting
an ‘unfiltered’ view of local areas.”

Zhu Xinxin, former editor of Hebei People's Radio Station,
commented that the CCP establishment is totally rotten.
The regime has lost normal communication channels.

Zhu Xinxin: "Its system only exists to produce
corrupt officials, and has lost the administrative role.
So individual efforts by Wen Jiabao cannot save this system.

His personal efforts can only help
himself know some more facts."

Zhu Xinxin says that in a normal establishment,
the subordinate should truthfully report the situation.
The fact that Wen has to change a pre-arranged itinerary to
learn of truth has shown the problem of this political system.

Zhu Xinxin: "This also indicates that firstly, Wen Jiabao
has clearly known that the CCP system is not reliable.
Secondly, he is also helpless with promoting change
in this system, which is beyond his capacity.
So, in order to know more real information,
he has to resort to some personal measures.”

In 2008, the Wenchuan earthquake hit Sichuan Province.

Wen Jiabao and Hu Jintao dispatched
army troops to help with rescue operations.
However, the order was resisted
by army officers under Jiang Zemin’s faction.
The valuable time for the rescue effort was thus missed.

Sun Wenguang, retired professor, Shandong University:
"Wen Jiabao has repeatedly talked about universal values,
democracy and freedom, but all have had very limited effect.
This is because an CCP official himself
cannot act out of his own free will.
He is also subjected to many
constraints within the CCP system.”

Now, the public have raised suspicions on the serious
damage caused by these two medium-sized earthquakes.
A poll conducted by Hexun.com shows that
over 66% of participants believe serious casualties were caused by shabby school buildings.
Another 22% attribute the blame
to the Seismological authorities.
It is deemed incapable of predicting any earthquake.