【禁闻】中国离婚率高 房价不是主要原因












采访/朱智善 编辑/黄亿美 后制/郭敬

Is China's High Divorce Rate Due To High House Prices?

The ancients saying, "live together till gray hair,"
refers to husband and wife being together until old age.
This statement has become a legend in China now,
with the divorce rate rising each year.
According to China's Civil Affairs Ministry' latest statistics,
there is one divorce in every six marriages on average.
Coincidentally, cities with high divorce rate
also have high house prices rate.
Netizens searched for a link between the two, and found
the higher the house prices, the higher the divorce rate.
Yet, could the high house prices in China
be a key reason for the high divorce rate?

The divorce rate in China has been climbing
for seven consecutive years now.
During the second quarter of this year alone, 1.112 million
couples filed for divorce, claims the Civil Affairs Ministry.
The top three cities in divorce rate
are Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen.
Six of the top eight leading in divorces' cities
overlap with the top eight cities in housing prices.

This was noticed by netizens, who looked for a link
between the two in the last three years.
They made the conclusion,
“the higher the prices, the higher the divorce rate."

Ms. Cai Wenjun (Shanghai resident): “People nowadays
want housing first. Women evaluate men on that.
Men need to have an apartment, car, etc.
Without these, it is very difficult for men to get married.
In China, husband and wife fight over properties a lot.”

Ms. Cai said that China is kidnapped by high housing prices.
Young people are under this huge, mountain-high burden.
Many people try to save money for housing,
and do not have opportunities for recreation or fun activities.
With lack of stress-relieving activities and big work pressure,
married couples always fight and eventually get divorced.

Prof. Frank Tian Xie from South Carolina Univ. said China's
house prices rose in the last 20 years faster than affordability.
Prof. Tian thinks netizens' analysis is not rigorous enough.
Such a correlation needs to be statistically backed up.

Prof. Frank Tian Xie: “China's economy goes downhill
in the recent couple of years, approaching a harsh landing.
The housing prices’ bubble is about to burst. If that happens,
can we forecast divorce rate will drop too? I am afraid not.”

Prof. Tian Xie thinks the increasing divorce rate in China
has a deeper reasons, mainly the change in people's morality.
He said, “living together” (unmarried) and “having mistress”
are popular in China, and it's getting worse with the lack of control by law and morality.

Prof. Tian Xie: “Today's Chinese society' morals
are on a decline.
When people's concept of family and sense of responsibility
degenerate, strange social phenomenon appear, such as having mistresses, sexual liberation, etc.
These cause the breakup of families and rising divorce rate.”

Frank Tian Xie also expressed that the government's
monopoly of land, real estate, and its raising prices are other causes of high housing price.

Netizens ask with frustration, “Who raises the house prices?
Developers? Mothers-in-Law? The dear Party?
Is the housing market changing without rules?
When will it stop? When will it drop?
We cannot see clearly. We ask Heaven with tears.
With mortgage for dozens of years.
We borrow the money with black hair,
and are still paying them back when we are with grey hair.”