
【新唐人2012年10月8日讯】日前,美国总统奥巴马在维吉尼亚州的“乔治•梅森大学(George Mason University)”举行竞选造势活动。在和选民见面过程中,法轮功学员高女士当面递交了“华盛顿DC法轮大法佛学会”致总统的信函,希望奥巴马积极回应上百名美国国会议员对“调查中共活摘器官”的要求,并公布相关文件和证据。





联名信由“美国民主党”资深国会议员罗伯特•安德鲁斯(Robert E. Andrews)和共和党资深国会议员史密斯(Chris Smith)提出,在短短一周之内,就获得106位国会议员的联合签署。目前,联名信已经被递交到国务卿希拉里•柯林顿手中。








采访/刘惠 编辑/李明飞 后制/萧宇

Obama Personally Receives Letter from Falun Dafa Association

A few days ago, U.S. President Barack Obama held a
campaign rally at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.
In the process of meeting with the voters, President Obama
personally received a letter hand delivered by Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Gao.
The letter was addressed by the Falun Dafa Association
in Washington DC.
It requested President Obama to actively respond to a recent
letter co-signed by over 100 Congress members
requesting the release of documents and evidence
regarding CCP live organ harvesting.

Obama held a campaign rally in Virginia
and met with the voters on October 5.
In the process, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Gao successfully
handed a letter to president Obama.
This letter was signed by the Falun Dafa Association
in Washington DC.

Ms. Gao describes the process of delivering the letter
as smooth, despite there being many voters and tight security.
Obama took the letter and kept it in his pocket.

Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Gao: "It was very smooth.
We went because he (Obama) participated in a local campaign activity.
He is the President, and a lot of people wanted to see him.
I was very lucky that I was in the first row and
got to shake hands with him.
Many people wanted to shake hands with him.
I shook hands with him and gave him a letter at the same time.
He was in a very good mood.
He took my letter and put it right into his pocket."

The letter calls on Obama to urge the U.S. State Department
to react positively to a Congressional letter co-signed by
106 members and help stop the evil atrocity on this planet,
that is, CCP’s live organ harvesting.

The Congressional letter was initiated by Democratic
Congressman Robert E. Andrews and senior Republican Congressman Chris Smith.
In just a week, 106 members of Congress co-signed the letter.

The letter has been submitted to the Secretary of State,
Hillary Rodham Clinton.

This letter demanded the U.S. Department of State to release
evidence regarding live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners and take measures to help stop CCP’s criminal acts.

Chen Yongmiao, a Beijing scholar of Constitution:
"It is possible for people overseas to defend rights through the international political and democratic community.
I think it is good to file international lawsuits against those
who persecute Falun Gong practitioners.
It should be done on a large scale at the judicial
and constitutional levels.
Defending human rights through the judicial system
in China is useless."

Recently, the CCP’s live organ harvesting has been criticized
in the international arena like volcanic eruption.

Danish Congressman have asked the government to focus
attention on the CCP's crimes, and U.S. Congress held a forced organ harvesting hearing on September 12.
On September 18, the Epoch Times editor-in-chief, Guo Jun,
also exposed the CCP’s live organ harvesting crime during the United Nations Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva.
Upon the hearing, more than 100 delegates and international
NGO representatives urged the United Nations and international community to conduct an investigation in China.

Recently, a number of international media
such as Washington Times, Apple Daily,
French International Broadcasting Corporation and Deutsche
Welle also reported the organ harvesting to a certain extent.

Ms. Gao: "I would particularly like to deliver this letter
to Obama.
I hope he will urge the United States Department of State
to release relevant information as soon as possible.
It will help to stop the persecution of Falun Gong, reveal
the truth to the world, bring justice to the world, and prove Falun Gong’s innocence.”

Falun Gong practitioners have exposed the evil organ
harvesting crimes of the CCP since 2006.
Numerous sources of evidence have recently
drawn global media attention.