【禁闻】“联想”柳传志喊政改 反薄熙来








而近来盛传薄熙来一案即将开庭,大陆各地已经开始清查与薄熙来关系密切的企业,其中以大连“大商集团 ”最早被清理。《博讯网》透露消息人士的话指称,大连“大商集团”依靠薄熙来的支持,在大陆各处收购企业,背后得到了地方政府的支持。






采访/陈汉 编辑/周平 后制/萧宇

Lenovo Calls for Political Reform, Opposes Bo Xilai

Rumor has it Bo Xiali’s trial will take place soon,
and various areas in the Mainland already started to investigate enterprises with close ties to Bo Xilai.
Amongst them, Dalian Dashang Group was the first
to be cleaned up.
Apparently, many years ago, Dashan Group
had been viewed as Bo Xiali's.
At the same time, founder of Lenovo,
a private Mainland enterprise,
has called out to the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) for political reform.
When he was interviewed, he said “Bo Xilai event
shows some officials are incredibly lawless,
if reform does not take place soon, who can feel safe?”
Now let us discuss this topic further.

As an influential media in Mainland, Caijing Magazine recently
had a special interview with Liu Chuanzhi, founder of Lenovo.
He expressed the desire and hope for a political reform,
“don't put too much hope on us entrepreneurs,
everything depends on political environment.”

However, from the history of CCP's economic “reforms”,
unfair employment opportunity, unfairness in front of the law,
corruption and bribery are common problems in everyday life.
Liu Chuanzhi said: “If these problems are not solved,
it is hard for the society to continue moving forward.”
He says Bo Xilai affair reveals some officials are lawless to
a point that makes people so angry that their hairs stand up.
If this environment is not changed, who can feel safe?

Without a sense of security,
the society will have difficulty moving forward.

Economic politics commentator Cao An said to NTD that
China's economic reform is already in a bottleneck,
This bottleneck is the political system and China's economy,
society is already very uncoordinated.

Cao An: “China has introduced a lot of capitalism
in the several dozen years of economic reform,
and a corresponding political structure must complement
that capitalism, otherwise a lot of conflicts will surface.
Under the current condition in China, one-party dictatorship
has already completely impeded China's economy and society.”

Cao says, from top to bottom of China, the entire country and
all Chinese people are calling for political reform.
Only those high level CCP officials and
those with vested interests refuse political reform.
Their goal is to protect their political and economic interests.

Cao An: “If political reform does not take place, their assets
can be confiscated by the dictatorial government anytime!
Their assets and lives are at risk,
so China's entrepreneurs are concerned in this area,
which is that political reform will ensure the safety
of their assets, but at the same time, it will also force them to lose some benefits.
In the future, collusion between politicians and businessmen
may not be an option anymore.”

With the rumor that Bo Xilai's trial will take place soon,

various parts of the Mainland have started to investigate
enterprises closely tied to Bo Xilai.
Informed sources revealed on Boxun.com that with Bo's support,
Dashang Group purchased enterprises throughout the Mainland.
This was supported by the local government.

Professor Xie Tian from the South Carolina Aiken School says,

it is very difficult for China's private owned enterprises to have
a foothold in China's market without bribing the government and colluding with officials.

Xie tian: “We only discover through Bo Xilai's case,
whether it's Bo Xiali's Dashang Group, or close ties with other enterprises.
But in reality we also know, by controlling state-owned
enterprises and those large, so-called “private” enterprises,
all those with special powers in the CCP have taken hold
of and are controlling the livelihood of China's economy.”

Xie Tian also says it is impossible for China's entrepreneurs to
ask the government to take their hands out of these enterprises.
They want to protect the regulation and fair competition
between business enterprises.

Xie Tian: “the CCP interest group is currently the largest mafia
gang, if you ask them to give up power, they cant to do it.
After the CCP dissolves, rebuilding a pure, clear, lawful society,
China's enterprises will be able to compete fairly and develop”

Xie Tian says, it seems the collapse of CCP is very close for
those looking at it from overseas.
He believes whether it is the Chinese people or entrepreneurs,

they should all clearly realize it is necessary to dissolve the CCP
for a favorable, harmonious social environment to exist in China.