【禁闻】泸州警民万人冲突 官民说法不一






美国驻联合国前大使、罗姆尼的高级外交顾问、美国着名智库AEI资深专家John Bolton,10月11号在马里兰州共和党的一个竞选活动上说,“中国大陆法轮功学员被活摘器官是非常严重和关键的议题,美国需直面这一议题,采取强硬的立场,捍卫和坚守美国的基本价值观。”

John Bolton是在回答法轮功学员现场提问时说的这番话。当时,一名余姓博士提问说,过去13年来,一亿法轮功学员遭受迫害,很多法轮功学员被中共活摘器官以牟取暴利。而国际社会在过去对此过于沉默。她希望罗姆尼向中国发出强硬的信息,停止迫害,停止活摘法轮功学员器官。

John Bolton表示,如果罗姆尼能当选,他将对此采取强硬态度。因为这将非常关键性的向世界展现,美国所追求的不仅仅是美国的利益,同时还有美国的价值观。





Clashes Between Police and Protestors in Sichuan

In the afternoon of October 17, tens of thousands of people
gathered to protest in Luzhou City, Sichuan province.
Local police’ online news said, three policemen had beaten
to death a fish car driver, causing people’s indignation,
Large number of police, sent by the authorities, clashed
with the protestors and the police used tear gas against them.
Some people were severely beaten by the police, several
police vehicles were overturned and burned, making the scene look like a smoking "battlefield."

On October 18, after the clashes, Luzhou’s Municipal
Government issued a notice that the driver died due to illness.
It claimed that the incident is now under control,
and there are no casualties.

This response of the municipal government
aroused again the anger of Luzhou netizens.
They continued to condemn the government' lies, uploading
pictures and videos of the incident, while officials continued to delete related posts.
Currently, most of the relevant weibos have been removed,
as more people sought the truth on the Internet.

Ex-US Ambassador to UN Talks About Organ Harvesting

On October 11, John Bolton, a former US ambassador to UN,
and senior diplomatic adviser to Mitt Romney, spoke during Maryland Republican campaign.
He said, the organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners
in mainland China is a very serious and critical issue.
The US should confront this issue, and take a strong stand
to defend and assert the US fundamental values, he stressed.

John Bolton said this while answering questions
from a Falun Gong practitioner, Dr. Yu, at the event.
Dr. Yu said over the past 13 years, one hundred million
Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted.
Many Falun Gong practitioners’ organs have been harvested
by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for profit.
And throughout this time, the international community
is keeping silence on the issue, she pointed out.
Dr. Yu expressed hopes Romney can send a tough message
to China to stop the persecution and organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners.

John Bolton replied that if Romney was elected,
he would apply a tough approach towards the issue.
Because it is very critical to show the world that the US not
only pursues national interests, but also promotes the American values, the politician said.

Beijing Refuses Entry to Former US Ambassador to China

VOA reported that on October 17, former US Ambassador
Jon Huntsman said, he planned to give a speech last month in China, but Beijing canceled his entry visa.
Jon said, next month the CCP will begin sensitive transfer
of power, and the Chinese communist leaders know how outspoken he is on China’s human rights and the US’ values.

Huntsman served as US ambassador to China
from 2009 to 2011.