


文章举出,最近中共对“宁波PX环保抗议事件”的妥协,评论说, “中国当权者可以随意执行所有决定的时代已经过去了”。


因言获罪 曹海波被判八年








German Media: Chinese Don't Obey Anymore.

On November 1, the German Der Spiegel' online version
issued an article titled “Chinese don't obey anymore.”
The article analyzes the gradually-changing relationship
between the Chinese rulers and everyday people.
And predicts that the governing philosophy
of Mao-Deng's era does not seem to work anymore.

The article talks how recently the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) had made a compromise in the “PX environment protest in Ningbo.”
And comments about the era when the Chinese rulers
could force any of their decisions upon the people.

Also, the article says that for the last several decades,
the ruled feared the rulers, but now the situation is reversing.
Today, many Chinese are getting wealthier,
and their confidence is growing.
No matter on the street or online on Weibos, they don't
hold up in revealing various kinds of social problems.
From food safety to enterprises' work conditions, school
violence, suppressing minorities, to officials corruption, etc., they are not afraid to voice out their discontent anymore.

Cao Haibo Sentenced to 8 Years for Speech.

Cao Haibo is the creator of the website "Zhenhua committee"
in Kunming, Yunnan, and a democracy advocate.
On November 1, Cao was sentenced to eight years in prison,
by the communist regime for “subversion of state power.”

Quoting Cao Haibo's attorney Mao Xiaopeng,
Reuters said that eight-year imprisonment is too heavy.
According to Mao Xiaopeng, Cao didn't understand well
China's politics,
and as an “immature boy” didn't expect CCP's regime to be
so sensitive to such online statements.

According to overseas media reports, the 27-year-old
Cao Haibo is from Yancheng, Jiangsu province.
He took jobs in,
and opened an internet bar in Kunming.
He cared about politics, and in his free time he issued
some online statements, critical to the government.
He created a QQ (Skype-like) group,
named “Zhenhua committee.”
The group advocated Three People's Principles,
Nationalism, Democracy, the People's Livelihood.
In addition, Cao Haibo appealed for democracy online,
and tried to organize China's Republican Party.
However, this organization lived
for one day only on the internet.

Reuters said, Cao was heavily sentenced, which indicates
Beijing continues with its high-pressure on dissidents.
China's power will change hands in the coming 18 congress,
thus the degree of suppression is especially high.

Protests in Shanwei, Guangdong

According to a report on the "Jasmine Revolution" website,
on October 31, about 1,000 villagers from Dongyong Town, Shanwei, Guangdong, demonstrated on the streets.
They expressed their discontent from official's corruption,
their low-cost privately selling of village land,
and arbitrarily building harmful transformer substation
in Dongyong Town.
After demonstrating in the district, the villagers blocked
the gate of the Shanwei government's building.
However, the Shanwei government didn't take notice
of the villagers' appeals.
On the contrary, it sent the riot police
to attack the villagers with long sticks.
