【禁闻】音乐与“汉奸” 李岚清夸江泽民引联想


前阵子,中共总书记江泽民出现北京,接见上海“海洋大学”校领导的消息,被高度怀疑是造假新闻,而10月31号的中共喉舌《人民日报》,又刊登一篇来自前国务院副总理李岚清的文章,文章还刊登了江泽民二月写给李岚清的一封信,信中希望他查找老歌《月光和影子》(Moonlight and Shadows)的曲调。




但是,为甚么李岚清这个时候,要替江泽民洗刷汉奸的名声呢? 刘因全说,与钓鱼岛问题有关﹗







采访/陈汉 编辑/周平 后制/萧宇


Li Lanqing Article about Jiang Zemin's Musical Talent
Attempts to Hide Jiang's Background as Traitor, say Analysts

At the end of October, former CCP Vice Premier Li Lanqing
wrote an article applauding former CCP's general secretary Jiang Zemin's musical talent.
In the article, a vocal score is included which was claimed
to be completed according to Jiang's “retrospective singing”.
The question is why Li chose to publish such a vocal score
just before the 18th National Congress.
Some media reports suggest that the article intentionally
shows off Jiang's political influence.
However, other analysts believe that the article is relevant to
soaring anti-Japanese sentiments in China induced by the Diaoyu Islands disputes.
This might lead the public to connect with Jiang Zemin's
background as a traitor during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
Li Lanqing's article attempts to glorify Jiang Zemin as a
young man with progressive ideas and fade out his traitor history by dramatizing his interests in music as a youngster.

A short while ago, former CCP General Secretary Jiang Zemin
was said to have met with leaders of Shanghai Ocean University in Beijing.
However, many have suspected that this news report is false.

On October 31st, CCP's mouthpiece media People's Daily
published an article by former Vice Premier Li Lanqing.
The article cited a letter claimed to be written
by Jiang Zemin this February,
who asked Li therein to look for the vocal score
of an old song “Moonlight and Shadows”.

Li's article introduced how Jiang had sung that once-popular
song sixty years ago by himself.
After some reorganization work, the original version of
the vocal song was recovered.

Li's article was published one week before
the 18th National Congress.
Outsiders believe that, Jiang's faction chose such a critical
moment to report Jiang Zemin on the People's Daily because they hope to declare how influential Jiang still is.

Liu Yinquan, the host of the US-based Central Committee
of the Chinese Social Democratic Party,
has made comments on the purpose of Li's report of
Jiang Zemin in the CCP's mouthpiece media.
First, he tried to tell the public that Jiang is healthy and
still has great influence in China's politics.
Furthermore, the article delivered a message that Jiang
was a student with a progressive mind rather than a traitor at school when he was young.

Why is it necessary to hide Jiang's bad reputation
as a traitor now?
Liu Yinquan said the answer lies in the Diaoyu Islands disputes.

(Liu Yinquan, host of the Central Committee of the Chinese
Social Democratic Party): ”When Jiang was incumbent he almost never touched the Diaoyu Islands disputes.
This can easily lead to an impression that Jiang's inaction
and weakness against Japan is relevant to the fact that
he came from a traitor's family and even studied
in a traitor's school.
Therefore Li Lanqing published the article at such a time
as to indirectly hide Jiang's betrayal in the past.”

Lu Jiaping, member of Chinese Association for
the History of World War II,
has devoted himself to the research of Jiang Zemin's
history of “two betrayals, two falsifications”.
On December 5th, he announced a public letter titled

“A request of investigation on Jiang Zemin's two betrayals,
two falsifications” history and crime of political fraud”.
In the letter, Lu revealed that Jiang used to be a traitor
for the Japanese and a USSR KGB spy.
His identifications of underground CCP member and
son of a martyr are also false.

According to Lu's research, after Jiang graduated from
Yangzhou High School in 1943,
his real father sent him to study in the traitor school,
“Nanjing Central University” in the Japanese-occupied area.
He also attended an anti-CCP traitor organization and
was trained there.
The name of Jiang Zemin's real father is Jiang Shijun. He
betrayed China to Japan early in the Second Sino-Japanese war.
He changed his name to Jiang Guanqian as he took the
position of deputy director of Propaganda Department in Wang Jingwei's Regime.
There is no doubt that Jiang Zemin's father is a traitor
who betrayed his country for power and wealth.

(Lan Shu, political commentator):”Probably Jiang has realized
he is in trouble from his problematic history.
That is, he and his father even worked for the Japanese
as traitors and he is a false CCP underground member.
I think maybe there have been some investigations
into that inside the CCP.
Realizing he was in trouble, Jiang hence published the article
in the name of Li Lanqing as some kind of cover-up.”

Because of exposing Jiang's fake history,
Lu Jiaping has been put in prison.
Before that Lu even mentioned many other crimes committed
by Jiang Zemin, including selling territories, persecuting Falun Gong and corruption.
He believes that those facts can be a trump card
when Hu Jintao finally shows his hand against Jiang's faction.

In addition, as former CCP's Chongqing secretary Bo Xilai
was dismissed and put under prosecution of the judiciary department,
the Internet ban of the key word “Lu Jiaping”
has been partially lifted for a time.
Some analysts attributed the change to Hu Jintao and
Wen Jiabao's group, which also indicated the downgrade of Jiang's faction.