【禁闻】曝海伍德曾是线人 英掌薄黑材料?





但负责“军情六处”工作的英国外交大臣黑格(William Hague),今年4月违背了英国政府有关“不对情报事务置评”的规定,发布一份声明说,海伍德根本不是英国政府的雇员。









采访编辑/唐睿 后制/黎安安

Was Heywood A British Spy?

Although a court has decided the case of Gu Kailai,
former Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai’s wife,
the true story about the murdered Briton,
Heywood is still under question.
Recently, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that
Heywood had provided Bo’s family information
to Britain's Secret Intelligence Service
for more than a year before his death.
The British Government denied Heywood
was employed by the Intelligence Service, MI6.
However, the relevance between Heywood’s death
to Bo’s case is believed to be revealed very soon.

WSJ reported on 6th November that an investigation
into interviews with current and former British officials
as well as close friends of Heywood,
revealed a person Heywood met in 2009,
later acknowledged being an “MI6 officer” to him.

Mr. Heywood subsequently met that person
regularly in China and continued to provide information on Mr. Bo's private affairs.

Subsequently, BBC reported that Whitehall sources claim:
Heywood was never an agent of the intelligence service,
and was never paid and never formally tasked with
passing on any information.

WSJ has reported in March that Heywood had been
working occasionally in China for a
London-based business-intelligence company founded
by a former MI6 officer and staffed by many former spies.

William Hague, the British foreign secretary
who oversees MI6,
broke with standard policy of not commenting on
intelligence matters and issued a statement in April:
Heywood was not an employee of
the British government in any capacity.

WSJ: That was technically true,
according to people familiar with the matter.
But to the MI6, “he was a willful and knowing informant,”
and Heywood's information was “useful.”

The political commentator Ren Baiming believes
Heywood’s relationship with Bo Xilai had drawn the attention of British Intelligence,
and Heywood was likely to have provided information
at a certain level.

Political commentator Ren Baiming: “A family member
of a future Politburo member that personally kills Heywood,
certainly suggests the reason behind it is lethal.

It is impossible to poison a person to death over
some ordinary threat.”

Political commentator Wang Beiji also believes there’s a
very complex relationship between Bo Xilai and Heywood.

Political commentator Wang Beiji: Of course this incident
exposed Bo’s corruption and political secrets.
Both parties had some complicated purposes.
It is not a regular personal relationship or business interaction.
It is a microcosm of those political high officials’ personal
life in the modern China over the past 30 years.

The 41-year-old Heywood was found dead in January
last year in a hotel in Chongqing.
The mainland mouthpiece alleged Bo's wife Gu Kailai
killed Heywood over deteriorating business interests.
However, in an exclusive report,
the Epoch Times revealed that
Heywood was “silenced” for involvement in Bo Xilai
and Gu Kailai‘s international organ and corpse trafficking.

Ren Baiming: “The people to capsize Bo Xilai are those
who knew the inside stories.
If Heywood was one of them, he was a time bomb to Bo.
He was ready to be set-off at any time.
That’s why it was analyzed that the unspeakable evil and crime
of live organ harvesting and corpse trafficking were involved.”

People are still waiting on Bo Xilai’s case upon the
upcoming 18th National Congress.
Ren Baiming believes that the facts behind,
why Bo Xilai would kill Heywood are soon to be revealed.