【禁闻】三届党代会提全面小康 十年只拆房




美“南卡莱罗纳大学艾肯商学院”教授谢田:“首先中国的数字是不可信的。不管是从房地产泡沫来说也好,或者是其他各种产能过剩也好,我们知道他这个经济发展已经到了瓶颈,没有办法再发展了。从出口,投资基建和内需市场这三个方面,再加上中共官员虚报数字,弄虚作假这些数字全部考虑进去看,我觉得中国经济在未来十年很难达到7 %-9%。”

而根据官方数据,2010年中国城镇居民人均可支配收入为19109元(人民币),农村居民人均纯收入为5919元。 2011年,这两者的实际增速分别为8.4%和11.4%。有人因此认为,按照这样的发展速度,有可能实现2020年的居民收入倍增的目标。







采访/易如 编辑/许旻 后制/肖颜

Ten Years of House Demolitions Since the 16th National Congress; Building an Overall Well-off Society

The report delivered during the 18th National Congress
emphasized the goal of doubling income by 2020 and building an overall well-off society.
As early as the 16th National Congress, the CCP mentioned
building an overall well-off society.
People exclaimed that for more than 10 years, nothing
has changed except that houses were torn down.
Some criticized the CCP’s ruling, saying the Chinese don’t need
the CCP to become wealthy, and only when the CCP is gone will there be hope to attain wealth.

Building a well-off society has been mentioned in three
consecutive CCP National Congresses.
The CCP mouthpiece reported that increasing income
was for the first time listed as part of the development goal.
Many people don’t believe this goal is possible.

A Beijing resident expressed that his only feeling for the past
10 years was that houses were torn down according to a news report.
A Beijing store owner criticized the fact that there’s nothing
concrete in the 18th National Congress report.
To her, the 18th National Congress only causes less business
and customers.
She says, “So many investigations; We aren’t allowed to sell
many items.”

Hu Jintao delivered a goal in his 18th National Congress report.
“Double the income by 2020,” he said.
To achieve this goal, the Mainland economy must maintain
an annual growth rate of 7% to 9%.
Professor Xie Tian of University of South Carolina Aiken
does not believe China will be able to maintain this growth level for the next 8 years.

University of South Carolina Aiken Professor Xie Tian:
"First, the Chinese figures are not credible.
We know from the real estate bubble and various over-capacities,
China’s economic development has come to a bottleneck, a dead end.
Considering export, infrastructural investment and domestic
market, coupled with the CCP false data,
China’s economy will have a hard time to reach the
growth rate of 7% -9% in the next few years."

Official data suggested that in 2010, China's urban resident’s
per capita disposable income was 19,109 yuan (RMB),
and the per capita net income of rural resident’s
was 5,919 yuan.
In 2011, the actual growth rate was 8.4% for urban
and 11.4% for rural.
According to this pace, it was therefore believed income
will double by 2020.

China affair expert Lan Su: "All the figures are false and useless.
Double the digits, and double the inflation.
At the end, it is equivalent to nothing.
None of the CCP’s promises have ever been fulfilled.
It was said a better life would be given with its ruling
for 30 years. 30 years later, few had a better life.
But you realize the CCP only creates wealth for the few
vested with them.
They got rich from the money collected by tightening
people’s belts for over 30 years."

Prior to the 18th National Congress, China Youth Daily
reported on a survey in which the majority of respondents felt
the widening gap between the rich and the poor will become
a major problem over the next 10 years in China.
An earlier investigation of the People's Bank of China showed
China's top 10% family income of the richest people account
for 57% of the overall household income.
This disparity seriously impedes economic development.
The ever increasing rich-poor gap has also become
the main cause of social instability.

Lan Su: "The Chinese people need an equal opportunity
to get rich.
The CCP is actually above the law and they have more
opportunity to get rich, while the vast majority of people do not.
The Chinese need a democratic system to monitor the ruling party
so that everyone has an approximately equal opportunity to get rich.
This is what the Chinese people need, but the CCP will not give.
How can the CCP lead to the wealth of the people?"

China affairs expert Lan Su also indicates that the Chinese
people need equal political and economic rights.
Without CCP privileges and exploitation, people’s ingenuity
will then be fully developed and they’ll walk the path to wealth.
Lan Su: "The CCP should let go.
China is the most industrious nation.
Without the Communist Party, Chinese people will get rich
the fastest. The past has proven this.
With the people's communes, everyone was starving.

Without the people’s communes, people worked themselves
and got rich quickly. That’s an example."

Xie Tian believes the CCP will disintegrate soon,
and probably won’t make it to the end of this year.
Therefore, he wonders why they bother talking about
the 2020 goal.