















Divergent Views On China's New Leaders

On November 15, the new politburo' standing committee
of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) unveiled that all social circles have divergent views on them.

UK media reported that China's new leadership
is an elderly and conservative team.
It can't use energetic methods to solve emergency problems,
like social instability, environmental issues and corruption.
Reuters analyzed that they can be regarded
as cautious reformers.
This includes the new general secretary Xi Jinping,
the upcoming premier Li Keqiang, and Wang Qishan - the current vice premier who moved the economy forward.
The other four standing committee are regarded
as conservatives too.

US media expressed wide worried that Xi would face
governing difficulties.
The reports said Xi will face over 20 former retired standing
committee' members and his ex-leaders who were still alive.
That would make very difficult for him to promote reforms,
even though he had reformation intentions.

Mainland people said that four old recidivists
infiltrated the standing committee.
Epoch Times quoted Beijing' citizen Cao Chuilian,
that two of them covered up big fires;
one masked the truth of people being buried alive;
and one was in charge of internet controlled' lies.
They have all have infiltrated
the CCP' politburo now.
The two who covered up a big fire
are Zhang Gaoli and Yu Zhengsheng.
They covered up the Laide commercial building fire
that happened in Qi country, Tianjin City, on June 30, 2012;
and the teachers' apartment building' fire on Jiaozhou road,
Shanghai City, on November 15, 2010.
Zhang Dejiang was in charge and masked the buried alive'
people in Wenzhou's CRH train crush on July 23, 2011.
He ordered to stop the rescue and bury the train body
with alive people inside.
The one controlling internet propaganda' lies is Liu Yunshan,
who was in the central propaganda department for 15 years.

RWB Calles for Fee Information in China.

Reporters Without Boarders (RWB) issued a bulletin after
CCP's power transfer, said Radio France Internationale (RFI).
The bulletin called on the international community especially
EU to take measures to promote free information in China.
The bulletin aimed at Hu Jintao's speech at the 18th congress,
where he claims China could not take the western model.
RWB alleged that free information is not a western patent,
it's a basic right granted by UN's Human Rights Convention.

More Tibetans Have Self-immolated

According to RFA, as the fifth generation of CCP leadership
was being announced on November 15,
another two self-immolations happened in
Tibetan district in China.

CCP's mouthpiece Xinhua issued a report that a 14-year-old
Tibetan burned himself in Tongren County, Qinghai Province.
However, Voice of Tibet, headquartered in Norway,
said this Tibetan was 18 years old and his name is Kabenjia.

The report added that the same day a 23-year-old female
Tibetan, Dangzeng Dolma, self-immolated in Tongren too.

In the past half a month, six Tibetans had killed themselves
with self-immolation in Tongren Country, Tibet.