
【新唐人2012年11月19日讯】 贵州5男童避寒窒息死网友愤怒

大陆媒体报导,贵州毕节5名男童,可能因躲进垃圾箱避寒, 11月16号被发现窒息死亡。






发另类十八大广告 网友因言获罪




十八大期间 百馀访民在京失踪




5 Boys Die From Suffocation, Netizens Angry

Mainland China’s media reported that five Guizhou’ boys
were found suffocated in a garbage bin on November 16.
The report says the boys may have refuged
in the garbage bin from the cold.

This news caught many people’s attention on Sina Weibo.
There are over 2.4 million comments about the news.

The report says, Bijie City public security stated the boys’
death resulted from a carbon monoxide poisoning, when they made a fire in the garbage bin.

This explanation didn’t calm the netizens down. Many have
accused the government on Tengxun Weibo of duty neglect.
And that the government doesn’t provide
vulnerable groups with protection and rescue.

A netizen commented, “Watching this news reminded me of
‘The Little Match Girl’ who used matches to warm herself up and died on the streets.
But the difference is, that story is a Danish fairy tale,
and this is a heart breaking fact in our country.”

Some netizens found this news unbelievable. A netizen said,
“It’s really like meat and wine are going bad in rich families, while poor ones die from cold and hunger on the street.
A thousand years have passed,
and we haven’t made any progress.”

Netizen Punished for Posting Ad on 18 Party Congress,

During the past two days, over 200 people from inside
and outside China have cosigned an online appeal.
The appeal is to release netizen “Xinghejiandui,” arrested
for posting a joke about the 18 party congress on Twitter.

The netizen’s name is Qu Xiaobing,
and he is a manager of an investment company in Beijing.
He posted on Twitter a story,
resembling a movie trailer of the 18 party’ congress.
The story goes, “The Final Destination is approaching.
The Great Hall of People suddenly collapses, only 7 out of 2,000 at the gathering can survive.
Those 7 will die mysteriously however, one by one.
Is this a game of God, or the anger of Satan?
How does the mysterious number 18 open the gate of hell?
Global theatres debut - November 8.”

On the third day after Qu Xiaobing posted this tweet,
he was taken away from home.
He was placed under criminal detention by Beijing public
security and is currently in the Miyun detention center.
The published reason for Qu’s detention
is involvement in “spreading false terrorist information.”

Petitioners Missing in Beijing During the 18 Congress

According to Chinese Human Defenders website,
local Chinese authorities suppressed petitioners vigorously in order to maintain “Zero Appeal.”
They used all means to arrest, detain, put in black jails,
and house arrest petitioners, coming to Beijing to appeal.
According to an incomplete statistics of small scale
petitioners in Beijing, over 100 petitioners went missing after coming to China’s capital to appeal.

Chinese Human Defenders also published a list of names
and phone numbers of the missing petitioners.