大陆文化评论家叶匡政: “严格的说,于丹是靠电视成为学术明星的,而且与媒体的互动中,基本上让人感觉她已丧失了一个知识份子基本的独立意识和批判精神,无论是商家请她,她也敢随意去吹捧,不仅投媒体所好或者商业所好,其实常常也为权力辩护,她本身实也是18大代表。即使一个人,我觉得无论你巧舌如簧或者口若悬河也好,但是,中国民众的眼睛还是很亮的。”
采访编辑/刘惠 后制/李月
Academic Star Yu Dan Was Booed at Beijing University
A special Kunqu opera performance staged at the
Beijing University Centennial Hall ended over the weekend.
Several master-level artists joined the performance.
Yet an accident happened toward the end.
When professor Yu Dan of Beijing Normal University,
was invited to the stage to make a final statement,
the audience booed at her and shouted "leave the stage."
Yu Dan had to make an awkward departure.
On Nov. 17, as soon as Yu Dan, who was wearing a miniskirt,
opened her mouth to say: "I want to thank the senior artists
on behalf of all the audience…” the audience was annoyed.
Some audience members shouted "You cannot represent us!"
"We do not need you to represent!"
Yu Dan became famous in China for interpreting
Confucius’ The Analects.
Some people think she was booed at for dressing in
a mini-skirt, which was not elegant.
Others say she should not comment on national level artists.
Cultural critic Ye Kuangzheng thinks that Yu Dan was booed
not because of what she did or said at that time,
but because of what she has said and done before.
Ye says it was not the first time Yu Dan has been booed.
Not long ago, Yu Dan joined the "Chinese Writers Association,”
which also attracted people questions.
Ye Kuangzheng: "Strictly speaking, Yu Dan became famous
in the academic world via TV.
Her interactions with the media expose her loss of
independence and critical spirit as an intellectual.
She speaks for businesses, the media and those in power.
She is also a representative of the CCP’s 18th Congress.
Although so eloquent, Chinese people can still see her nature.
On the 1st day of the 18th Congress, Yu Dan was interviewed
by Xinhua.Net as an 18th Congress representative.
She interpreted and praised Hu Jintao’s speech and
commented on the connection between the socialist core value system and the traditional Chinese culture.
Ye Kuangzheng: “There is Confucius and traditional culture,
on the other hand there are so-called socialist core values.
China today does not have any philosophical foundation.
What do we believe in?
The idea of philosophical foundations is not the opinions
raised by some leaders at will, but those tested by history.”
Former professor of history Liu Yinquan points out
that to connect with the traditional culture,
first introduce theism and abandon atheism;
second, reintroduce traditional culture’s Truthfulness,
Compassion and Tolerance, and other ethical values,
and abandon the struggle philosophy of the so-called
“socialism with Chinese characteristics.”
Liu Yinquan: “Communist Atheists cannot explain
Confucian culture. They remove the soul from the theory.
The essence of traditional Chinese culture is to
respect the divine and Buddha.
How can connect atheism and theism connect?
It’s impossible.”
Ye Kuangzhen also pointed out that as a famous scholar of
The Analects, she should follow Confucius’ teaching on
“one who is noble is not to be used as a tool,”
instead of being used as a tool.
Ye Kuangzheng: “For them, truth is just a tool to serve, and
knowledge can be sold on the street or to serve those in power.
In fact, China's Confucianism stresses integrity.
Knowledge is related to one’s integrity.
Even though one’s knowledge may not be comprehensive,
one needs to have the integrity as an intellectual.”
Years ago, when Yu Dan first started to interpret The Analects,
Ye Kuangzheng wrote an article to the media titled
“Why Did Confucius Cry,” pointing out his disagreement on Yu Dan’s interpretations.
“Shangxi Province Writers’ Association” member
Wang Guicheng thinks Yu Dan being booed is a progress.
He thinks Yu Dan’s interpretation of The Analects is a
form of entertainment, with the spirit of slavery.
In 2005 he said in a post on sina.com,
“Yu Dan Teaches People to be A Happy Slave.”
大陆文化评论家叶匡政: “严格的说,于丹是靠电视成为学术明星的,而且与媒体的互动中,基本上让人感觉她已丧失了一个知识份子基本的独立意识和批判精神,无论是商家请她,她也敢随意去吹捧,不仅投媒体所好或者商业所好,其实常常也为权力辩护,她本身实也是18大代表。即使一个人,我觉得无论你巧舌如簧或者口若悬河也好,但是,中国民众的眼睛还是很亮的。”
采访编辑/刘惠 后制/李月
Academic Star Yu Dan Was Booed at Beijing University
A special Kunqu opera performance staged at the
Beijing University Centennial Hall ended over the weekend.
Several master-level artists joined the performance.
Yet an accident happened toward the end.
When professor Yu Dan of Beijing Normal University,
was invited to the stage to make a final statement,
the audience booed at her and shouted "leave the stage."
Yu Dan had to make an awkward departure.
On Nov. 17, as soon as Yu Dan, who was wearing a miniskirt,
opened her mouth to say: "I want to thank the senior artists
on behalf of all the audience…” the audience was annoyed.
Some audience members shouted "You cannot represent us!"
"We do not need you to represent!"
Yu Dan became famous in China for interpreting
Confucius’ The Analects.
Some people think she was booed at for dressing in
a mini-skirt, which was not elegant.
Others say she should not comment on national level artists.
Cultural critic Ye Kuangzheng thinks that Yu Dan was booed
not because of what she did or said at that time,
but because of what she has said and done before.
Ye says it was not the first time Yu Dan has been booed.
Not long ago, Yu Dan joined the "Chinese Writers Association,”
which also attracted people questions.
Ye Kuangzheng: "Strictly speaking, Yu Dan became famous
in the academic world via TV.
Her interactions with the media expose her loss of
independence and critical spirit as an intellectual.
She speaks for businesses, the media and those in power.
She is also a representative of the CCP’s 18th Congress.
Although so eloquent, Chinese people can still see her nature.
On the 1st day of the 18th Congress, Yu Dan was interviewed
by Xinhua.Net as an 18th Congress representative.
She interpreted and praised Hu Jintao’s speech and
commented on the connection between the socialist core value system and the traditional Chinese culture.
Ye Kuangzheng: “There is Confucius and traditional culture,
on the other hand there are so-called socialist core values.
China today does not have any philosophical foundation.
What do we believe in?
The idea of philosophical foundations is not the opinions
raised by some leaders at will, but those tested by history.”
Former professor of history Liu Yinquan points out
that to connect with the traditional culture,
first introduce theism and abandon atheism;
second, reintroduce traditional culture’s Truthfulness,
Compassion and Tolerance, and other ethical values,
and abandon the struggle philosophy of the so-called
“socialism with Chinese characteristics.”
Liu Yinquan: “Communist Atheists cannot explain
Confucian culture. They remove the soul from the theory.
The essence of traditional Chinese culture is to
respect the divine and Buddha.
How can connect atheism and theism connect?
It’s impossible.”
Ye Kuangzhen also pointed out that as a famous scholar of
The Analects, she should follow Confucius’ teaching on
“one who is noble is not to be used as a tool,”
instead of being used as a tool.
Ye Kuangzheng: “For them, truth is just a tool to serve, and
knowledge can be sold on the street or to serve those in power.
In fact, China's Confucianism stresses integrity.
Knowledge is related to one’s integrity.
Even though one’s knowledge may not be comprehensive,
one needs to have the integrity as an intellectual.”
Years ago, when Yu Dan first started to interpret The Analects,
Ye Kuangzheng wrote an article to the media titled
“Why Did Confucius Cry,” pointing out his disagreement on Yu Dan’s interpretations.
“Shangxi Province Writers’ Association” member
Wang Guicheng thinks Yu Dan being booed is a progress.
He thinks Yu Dan’s interpretation of The Analects is a
form of entertainment, with the spirit of slavery.
In 2005 he said in a post on sina.com,
“Yu Dan Teaches People to be A Happy Slave.”