




《九评》发表八周年 民众认清中共








李必丰因为参加1989年天安门抗议活动,曾经被判刑5年。出狱后经商,持续资助异议人士和维权活动。 去年9月,四川警方怀疑李必丰对作家廖亦武流亡海外提供帮助,再次将他逮捕。


Zhou Yongkang Downgraded,
Public Focus On His Crimes Again

On Nov. 19th, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP)
mouthpiece Xinhua News Agency made an announcement.
It claimed that Zhou Yongkang’s position as head of the
Central Political and Legal Affairs Committee (PLAC) had
been taken over by Meng Jianzhu, Public Security Minister.

This confirmed rumors: PLAC is no long controlled
by the Politburo Standing Committee, it is downgraded.

Being called the biggest “gang leader” in China, Zhou
Yongkang’s downfall caused public focus on his crimes again.
Crimes of corruption, planning a coup with Bo Xilai,
having improper relationships with the same women as Bo,
setting up 2nd Central power and persecuting Falun Gong
practitioners, who sued Zhou for humanity and genocide.

The Epoch Times reported that a Beijing observer said,
now Zhou is powerless, gradually, he will be charged.

Eight Years Anniversary of Releasing The Nine
Commentaries on the Communist Party, People
Understand the Communists Clearly

It is eight years on Nov.19th since The Nine Commentaries
on the Communist Party were published.
Over the eight years, this series has led more than 127,639,644
Chinese to renounce the Communist party and its affiliated organizations through the Epoch Times website.

The Epoch Times reported that at the anniversary,
mainland Chinese told reporters that
without changing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
dictatorship system, the CCP is in a dead end rut no matter what reform they talk about.

The report cited Huang Xiaomin, a democracy activist who
said that since the release of the Nine Commentaries,
many people had clearly understood the true nature of the
CCP’s dictatorship, from lie to tyranny, from tyranny to lie.

Wang Zang, an independent poet in China said that
the CCP has been talking a good game but acting evil.
The so-call “reform” is to deceive international community,
and can’t be trusted.
Wang said, he didn’t expect anything from the CCP, hoping
its members get rid of the brainwashing as early as possible, in order to commit less wrong doings.

Dissident Writer Received Heavy Sentence.

On Nov.19th, Li Bifeng, a detained dissident poet in China was
accused of contract fraud, and sentenced to 12 years in jail.
Human rights activists in China believe that the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) abused the law to punish the dissidents.
Activists suggested that they shouldn’t put too much hope on
the CCP new leaders.

China Tianwang Human Rights Service reported that Li and
his lawyers Zhao Jiawei and Ma Xiaopeng questioned court evidence.
Lawyer Zhao Jianwei said that the verdict wasn’t based on
facts; prosecutors and the court violated lrgal procedures.

Li Bifeng had been jailed for five years for participating
Tiananmen Square Students Protest in 1989.
He started business after being released and continued
to support dissidents and activists.
In September 2011, Sichuan police suspected Li of helping
a writer, Liao Yiwu to escape abroad and arrested Li again.