【新唐人2012年12月05日讯】发生在中国的活摘法轮功学员器官罪行,越来越引起国际社会的注意,加拿大、澳洲和台湾都有政府官员站出来公开谴责。12月2号,美国“纽约大学生物伦理学中心”主任卡普兰(Arthur Caplan),在白宫网站上也发起一项连署活动,呼吁美国政府进行调查并公开谴责在中国发生的活摘器官事件。请愿书还呼吁各界,共同制止不道德的活摘器官!
美国医学界权威人物卡普兰(Arthur Caplan),12月2号在白宫网站上发起一项连署活动,呼吁奥巴马总统及美国政府,对目前发生在中国大陆大量法轮功学员被活摘器官的事件进行调查。他在声明中表示,美国有道义上的责任,揭露这些罪行,制止这场人权迫害,并将犯罪者绳之以法。
发起人卡普兰(Arthur Caplan)教授是美国“纽约大学”生物伦理学(Bioethics)中心主任,曾被杂志评为科技界最有影响力的十大人物之一。他早在2006年就注意到﹕中国医院能够承诺两周内找到器官供体,他认为这只有“按需杀人”才能做到。而人们在二战期间也曾经不敢相信纳粹集中营的存在。他还表示,他不相信中共有关禁止器官买卖的承诺。
国民党立委 罗淑蕾:“活体强摘器官,这非常不人道的,所以我想立法院一定要责处我们相关的部门,包括卫生署,应该要严格来明订相关法令,要严惩。”
根据公开的报导,1994至1999年六年间,中国的器官移植为1万8500例。中国医疗器官移植协会(China Medical Organ Transplant Association)副主席石炳毅说,到2005年为止,中国共有大约9万例器官移植。也就是说,中国器官移植在迫害法轮功之前的六年,总计1万8500例,开始迫害法轮功后的六年,总计六万例。在被处决的死刑犯总量不变的情况下,那么从2000年到2005年间增加的4万1500例的移植器官,从何而来?现在全世界都在关注。
采访/陈汉 编辑/黄亿美 后制/郭敬
White House Website Petition for Investigation of Live Organ Harvesting
The crimes regarding live organ harvesting from Falun Gong
practitioners in China have drawn increasing attention from the international community.
Government officials from Canada, Australia and Taiwan
have stood up to publicly condemn it.
On December 2, Arthur Caplan, director of the New York
University Center for Bioethics, launched a petition
on the White House Website calling on the US government
to investigate and publicly denounced organ harvesting in China.
The petition also appealed to all walks of life to stop
unethical organ harvesting.
Arthur Caplan, an authority of the American medical profession,
launched a petition on the White House website on Dec. 2,
calling on President Obama and the US government
to investigate the current cases of organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China.
He stated that the United States has a moral responsibility
to expose these crimes, put an end to these human rights abuses, and bring perpetrators to justice.
Professor Caplan, Director of the NYU center of Bioethics,
has been named one of the top ten most influential people by magazines.
In 2006, he noticed that hospitals in China promised to find
an organ donor in two weeks.
He thinks it can only be done by, “killing people on demand.”
During World War II, people did not dare to believe
in the existence of Nazi concentration camps.
He does not believe the commitment from the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) on the prohibition of the sale of organs.
Human Rights movement organizer, Hu Jun, said in China,
it is very difficult to break through the firewall, but he completed this petition.
He hoped that more people would understand the crimes
committed by the CCP in China through this activity.
Hu Jun: "We now know that the domestic situation
is getting worse.
After Xi Jinping became the leader, the same old stuff
has continued.
Now the rebound forces of ordinary folks are quite strong,
so this conflict could break out anytime.
Human rights disasters may be exacerbated and attention
from international communities is needed to help reduce the bloodshed and suffering of the Chinese people."
Hu Jun is quite pleased that the US can pay attention
to the human rights in China and propose practical action.
Netizens also told NTDTV that the petition on the
White House website is very meaningful.
One Internet user: "This is a good thing.
It indicates that the whole world is concerned about
the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong.
Live organ harvesting is causing outrage around the world.
Now people worldwide recognize the CCP's evil
and ugly face. I think that is rather significant.”
Anhui resident: "Obama is long overdue to investigate
this matter.
Organ harvesting is the shame of our nation;
after all, we are all Chinese.
Such inhuman crimes should be investigated and dealt with.”
Recently, Taiwan's Legislative and Health and Environment
Committee passed a main resolution requiring major medical
institutions and physicians to register patients having transplants
in foreign regions with detailed information of hospitals and surgeons.
One who makes the transplant information transparent
can avoid being an organ harvesting accomplice.
In addition, since 2006, 18 county assemblies in Taiwan have
passed a non-partisan resolution to condemn the CCP for live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners.
Kuomintang Legislator Luo Shulei: "In vivo forced organ
harvesting is very inhumane,
so I think that the Legislative branch must be responsible
for the related departments, including the Department of Health.
We should be strict in stating the relevant laws,
regulations and punishments.”
According to public reports, during the six years from 1994
to 1999, China had 18,500 cases of organ transplants.
Shi Bingyi, Vice Chairman of the China Medical Organ
Transplant Association, said that up until 2005, there were about 90,000 cases of organ transplantation.
In other words, Chinese organ transplants had increased by
about 60,000 cases during the first six years of the persecution of Falun Gong.
If the number of executed inmates remained unchanged,
where did the extra organs come from? Now, the whole world is watching.
美国医学界权威人物卡普兰(Arthur Caplan),12月2号在白宫网站上发起一项连署活动,呼吁奥巴马总统及美国政府,对目前发生在中国大陆大量法轮功学员被活摘器官的事件进行调查。他在声明中表示,美国有道义上的责任,揭露这些罪行,制止这场人权迫害,并将犯罪者绳之以法。
发起人卡普兰(Arthur Caplan)教授是美国“纽约大学”生物伦理学(Bioethics)中心主任,曾被杂志评为科技界最有影响力的十大人物之一。他早在2006年就注意到﹕中国医院能够承诺两周内找到器官供体,他认为这只有“按需杀人”才能做到。而人们在二战期间也曾经不敢相信纳粹集中营的存在。他还表示,他不相信中共有关禁止器官买卖的承诺。
国民党立委 罗淑蕾:“活体强摘器官,这非常不人道的,所以我想立法院一定要责处我们相关的部门,包括卫生署,应该要严格来明订相关法令,要严惩。”
根据公开的报导,1994至1999年六年间,中国的器官移植为1万8500例。中国医疗器官移植协会(China Medical Organ Transplant Association)副主席石炳毅说,到2005年为止,中国共有大约9万例器官移植。也就是说,中国器官移植在迫害法轮功之前的六年,总计1万8500例,开始迫害法轮功后的六年,总计六万例。在被处决的死刑犯总量不变的情况下,那么从2000年到2005年间增加的4万1500例的移植器官,从何而来?现在全世界都在关注。
采访/陈汉 编辑/黄亿美 后制/郭敬
White House Website Petition for Investigation of Live Organ Harvesting
The crimes regarding live organ harvesting from Falun Gong
practitioners in China have drawn increasing attention from the international community.
Government officials from Canada, Australia and Taiwan
have stood up to publicly condemn it.
On December 2, Arthur Caplan, director of the New York
University Center for Bioethics, launched a petition
on the White House Website calling on the US government
to investigate and publicly denounced organ harvesting in China.
The petition also appealed to all walks of life to stop
unethical organ harvesting.
Arthur Caplan, an authority of the American medical profession,
launched a petition on the White House website on Dec. 2,
calling on President Obama and the US government
to investigate the current cases of organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China.
He stated that the United States has a moral responsibility
to expose these crimes, put an end to these human rights abuses, and bring perpetrators to justice.
Professor Caplan, Director of the NYU center of Bioethics,
has been named one of the top ten most influential people by magazines.
In 2006, he noticed that hospitals in China promised to find
an organ donor in two weeks.
He thinks it can only be done by, “killing people on demand.”
During World War II, people did not dare to believe
in the existence of Nazi concentration camps.
He does not believe the commitment from the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) on the prohibition of the sale of organs.
Human Rights movement organizer, Hu Jun, said in China,
it is very difficult to break through the firewall, but he completed this petition.
He hoped that more people would understand the crimes
committed by the CCP in China through this activity.
Hu Jun: "We now know that the domestic situation
is getting worse.
After Xi Jinping became the leader, the same old stuff
has continued.
Now the rebound forces of ordinary folks are quite strong,
so this conflict could break out anytime.
Human rights disasters may be exacerbated and attention
from international communities is needed to help reduce the bloodshed and suffering of the Chinese people."
Hu Jun is quite pleased that the US can pay attention
to the human rights in China and propose practical action.
Netizens also told NTDTV that the petition on the
White House website is very meaningful.
One Internet user: "This is a good thing.
It indicates that the whole world is concerned about
the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong.
Live organ harvesting is causing outrage around the world.
Now people worldwide recognize the CCP's evil
and ugly face. I think that is rather significant.”
Anhui resident: "Obama is long overdue to investigate
this matter.
Organ harvesting is the shame of our nation;
after all, we are all Chinese.
Such inhuman crimes should be investigated and dealt with.”
Recently, Taiwan's Legislative and Health and Environment
Committee passed a main resolution requiring major medical
institutions and physicians to register patients having transplants
in foreign regions with detailed information of hospitals and surgeons.
One who makes the transplant information transparent
can avoid being an organ harvesting accomplice.
In addition, since 2006, 18 county assemblies in Taiwan have
passed a non-partisan resolution to condemn the CCP for live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners.
Kuomintang Legislator Luo Shulei: "In vivo forced organ
harvesting is very inhumane,
so I think that the Legislative branch must be responsible
for the related departments, including the Department of Health.
We should be strict in stating the relevant laws,
regulations and punishments.”
According to public reports, during the six years from 1994
to 1999, China had 18,500 cases of organ transplants.
Shi Bingyi, Vice Chairman of the China Medical Organ
Transplant Association, said that up until 2005, there were about 90,000 cases of organ transplantation.
In other words, Chinese organ transplants had increased by
about 60,000 cases during the first six years of the persecution of Falun Gong.
If the number of executed inmates remained unchanged,
where did the extra organs come from? Now, the whole world is watching.