ECA说,由于人民币升值和通货膨胀,京沪两市的日常生活成本都超过了历来生活成本更高的新加坡和香港等城市。在ECA 国际调查的全世界425个城市中,北京从去年的第35名大幅度上升到第22名。上海则从第41位上升至第26位最贵城市。
广州画家 何国泉:“3.11日常的生活用品现在都在普遍往上涨,表面上看好像房价在往下跌,事实上单是每天的鸡鸭鱼肉,鸡蛋,比如鸡蛋前一段时间还可以达到四块多钱,现在都变成五块多了。就几天时间就涨得很厉害。”
北京网站主编 贾元良:“3.22我觉得今年北京蔬菜的价格跟去年相比,我的感觉基本上持平。贵也贵不到哪里去。比如像现在蔬菜价格也就是一斤四块钱或到五块钱人民币,有的白菜也便宜,一斤也就是一块多钱人民币的样子。”
ECA亚洲区总监关礼廉(Lee Quane)表示,中国的通货膨胀和人民币相对其他货币升值,是城市日常生活成本大幅上升的推动因素。关礼廉说,中国的情况实质上是物价上涨比西方更快,这使北京在排名上超越了其他一些城市。
采访编辑/秦雪 后制/萧宇
Beijing and Shanghai More Pricey than Hong Kong & Singapore
The latest survey from ECA International towards expatriates
shows that both Beijing and Shanghai have overtaken Singapore and Hong Kong in costs of living.
Traditionally, Singapore and Hong Kong
are famous for being pricey.
China holds 16 places among Asia's
top 50 most expensive cities.
Beijing is ranked the 5th most expensive location in Asia.
Japanese cities, including Tokyo, occupy the top four places.
The 6th is Seoul, followed by Shanghai, Singapore,
and Hong Kong.
ECA's survey says, due to inflation and
the strengthening of the RMB,
living costs in Beijing & Shanghai have surpassed
traditional pricey cities like Singapore and Hong Kong.
Beijing rose to 22nd from last year's 35th
in the ranking of the global 425 cities.
Shanghai moved up to 26th from its
previous position in 41st place.
Asia's top 50 most expensive locations cover Guangzhou,
Shenzhen, Shenyang, Tianjin, Qingdao, Dalian, Chongqing,
Suzhou, Chengdu, Wuhan, Xiamen, Nanjing and Xi'an.
Beijing-based independent filmmaker, Zhu Rikun, affirms
very high prices of oil, housing and daily necessities in China.
Zhu Rikun: "With rice or stuff related to ordinary living,
all have shot up, especially over the last couple of years.
Previously, rice prices were over one yuan per Jin (0.5 kg),
now rice of very mediocre quality costs about 2.6 yuan per Jin.
It has increased by 50%-60%.
A sharp increase, really."
Guangzhou-based painter, He Guoquan, says that after
the 18th Party Congress ended, prices have gone up gradually.
He Guoquan: “Costs of living have all risen.
Apparently, housing prices are dropping, but the cost
of daily meat and eggs have all soared.
Egg prices surged in recent couple of days, costing about
five yuan per Jin, up from the previous price of just over four yuan."
Jia Yuanliang, website editor in Beijing, says that
vegetable prices are nearly the same as last year.
Jia Yuanliang: "I feel Beijing's vegetable prices
are basically flat this year.
Vegetable prices are four or five yuan per Jin.
Chinese cabbage is cheap, just over one yuan per Jin.”
Zhu Rikun says that price increases have put pressure
on the wage-earning class.
Zhu Rikun: "It's certainly a pressure for ordinary masses.
Most of their income goes to basic life expenses.
For any ordinary salaried people,
this is a very heavy burden indeed.”
Inflation and a strengthening of RMB against major
currencies are, “two factors that have together contributed
to pushing up the cost of living in Chinese cities significantly,”
said Lee Quane, Regional Director, Asia for ECA International.
Mr. Quane said, “Essentially what's happening in China
is that prices are rising at a faster rate than they are in the West,
and that's caused Beijing to leapfrog all those other locations
in the rankings,” according to a Wall Street Journal news report.
ECA's survey factors include daily necessities, food,
meals out, transportation, clothing and more. It excludes the cost of housing or school fees.
The increase of prices is expected to continue.
Experts said that there may not occur a big shift
in China's monetary policy.
China's official data on Consumer Price Index (CPI)
for November 2012 was recently released.
It shows that food prices rose by 3% compared to last year,
and non-food prices were up 1.6%.
China's latest Producer Price Index (PPI) dropped by 2.2%,
for the ninth straight month.
The reason for the continuous rising of vegetable prices
was attributed to low temperature in this November, which triggered supplies, said China's media.
Reportedly, Yao Jingyuan, researcher from Counselor Office
of the State Council, claimed that rising prices near the year-end is expected.
The next expected will be New Year's Day and Chinese
New Year, both peak consumptions.
Therefore, China's prices will continue to rise,
according to Yao.
ECA说,由于人民币升值和通货膨胀,京沪两市的日常生活成本都超过了历来生活成本更高的新加坡和香港等城市。在ECA 国际调查的全世界425个城市中,北京从去年的第35名大幅度上升到第22名。上海则从第41位上升至第26位最贵城市。
广州画家 何国泉:“3.11日常的生活用品现在都在普遍往上涨,表面上看好像房价在往下跌,事实上单是每天的鸡鸭鱼肉,鸡蛋,比如鸡蛋前一段时间还可以达到四块多钱,现在都变成五块多了。就几天时间就涨得很厉害。”
北京网站主编 贾元良:“3.22我觉得今年北京蔬菜的价格跟去年相比,我的感觉基本上持平。贵也贵不到哪里去。比如像现在蔬菜价格也就是一斤四块钱或到五块钱人民币,有的白菜也便宜,一斤也就是一块多钱人民币的样子。”
ECA亚洲区总监关礼廉(Lee Quane)表示,中国的通货膨胀和人民币相对其他货币升值,是城市日常生活成本大幅上升的推动因素。关礼廉说,中国的情况实质上是物价上涨比西方更快,这使北京在排名上超越了其他一些城市。
采访编辑/秦雪 后制/萧宇
Beijing and Shanghai More Pricey than Hong Kong & Singapore
The latest survey from ECA International towards expatriates
shows that both Beijing and Shanghai have overtaken Singapore and Hong Kong in costs of living.
Traditionally, Singapore and Hong Kong
are famous for being pricey.
China holds 16 places among Asia's
top 50 most expensive cities.
Beijing is ranked the 5th most expensive location in Asia.
Japanese cities, including Tokyo, occupy the top four places.
The 6th is Seoul, followed by Shanghai, Singapore,
and Hong Kong.
ECA's survey says, due to inflation and
the strengthening of the RMB,
living costs in Beijing & Shanghai have surpassed
traditional pricey cities like Singapore and Hong Kong.
Beijing rose to 22nd from last year's 35th
in the ranking of the global 425 cities.
Shanghai moved up to 26th from its
previous position in 41st place.
Asia's top 50 most expensive locations cover Guangzhou,
Shenzhen, Shenyang, Tianjin, Qingdao, Dalian, Chongqing,
Suzhou, Chengdu, Wuhan, Xiamen, Nanjing and Xi'an.
Beijing-based independent filmmaker, Zhu Rikun, affirms
very high prices of oil, housing and daily necessities in China.
Zhu Rikun: "With rice or stuff related to ordinary living,
all have shot up, especially over the last couple of years.
Previously, rice prices were over one yuan per Jin (0.5 kg),
now rice of very mediocre quality costs about 2.6 yuan per Jin.
It has increased by 50%-60%.
A sharp increase, really."
Guangzhou-based painter, He Guoquan, says that after
the 18th Party Congress ended, prices have gone up gradually.
He Guoquan: “Costs of living have all risen.
Apparently, housing prices are dropping, but the cost
of daily meat and eggs have all soared.
Egg prices surged in recent couple of days, costing about
five yuan per Jin, up from the previous price of just over four yuan."
Jia Yuanliang, website editor in Beijing, says that
vegetable prices are nearly the same as last year.
Jia Yuanliang: "I feel Beijing's vegetable prices
are basically flat this year.
Vegetable prices are four or five yuan per Jin.
Chinese cabbage is cheap, just over one yuan per Jin.”
Zhu Rikun says that price increases have put pressure
on the wage-earning class.
Zhu Rikun: "It's certainly a pressure for ordinary masses.
Most of their income goes to basic life expenses.
For any ordinary salaried people,
this is a very heavy burden indeed.”
Inflation and a strengthening of RMB against major
currencies are, “two factors that have together contributed
to pushing up the cost of living in Chinese cities significantly,”
said Lee Quane, Regional Director, Asia for ECA International.
Mr. Quane said, “Essentially what's happening in China
is that prices are rising at a faster rate than they are in the West,
and that's caused Beijing to leapfrog all those other locations
in the rankings,” according to a Wall Street Journal news report.
ECA's survey factors include daily necessities, food,
meals out, transportation, clothing and more. It excludes the cost of housing or school fees.
The increase of prices is expected to continue.
Experts said that there may not occur a big shift
in China's monetary policy.
China's official data on Consumer Price Index (CPI)
for November 2012 was recently released.
It shows that food prices rose by 3% compared to last year,
and non-food prices were up 1.6%.
China's latest Producer Price Index (PPI) dropped by 2.2%,
for the ninth straight month.
The reason for the continuous rising of vegetable prices
was attributed to low temperature in this November, which triggered supplies, said China's media.
Reportedly, Yao Jingyuan, researcher from Counselor Office
of the State Council, claimed that rising prices near the year-end is expected.
The next expected will be New Year's Day and Chinese
New Year, both peak consumptions.
Therefore, China's prices will continue to rise,
according to Yao.