【禁闻】警民冲突频发 公关警察如何和谐﹖














采访/朱智善 编辑/张天羽 后制/王明宇

Can Public Relations Eliminate Conflict between Police and Public in China?

In recent years, the relationship between police and
civilians in Mainland China has continued to deteriorate.
This has resulted in frequent clashes.

Under this situation, Chinese People's Public Security
University established the Police Public Relations
Research Center, which specializes in training
the so-called “public relations police.”
The director of the center says that the establishment
is meant to promote “harmony between police and society.”
But what is the source of contention
between the police and the public?
Commentators say that the CCP must first
change its way of maintaining social stability.
Others say that Chinese authorities create new laws
to conceal injustice, causing more and more injustice.
Therefore, it is difficult for police
and society to be harmonious.

Mainland Chinese media reports state that the Chinese
People's Public Security University established the Police
Public Relations Research Center in Beijing on Dec. 22.

This center will start to recruit graduate students
from 2013, to train professional high-end PR police.

Sun Juan, Director of the PR Research Center told media

that the center is established to promote a "harmonious
development" for the relationship between police and public.
Commentators believe that public relations training will not
be able to solve the current problems in Mainland China.
What the police are lacking is not theoretical knowledge.

Hua Po, Beijing Political critic: “The image of Chinese
police has been very bad in recent years,
because the police resort to violence
to maintain social stability.
So Chinese police have learned from Hong Kong Police to set
up a Public Relations division to improve the image of police.
I believe this is going to be in vain.

To change the image of the police, the CCP must first
fundamentally change violent means of maintaining stability.”

Chen Junyu, a mistreated policeman: “So-called
public relations are little more than a performance.
They are designed to deceive people,
and not to solve any real problems.
The key issue lies in the way they deal with public
relations, that is, whether they can abide by the law in dealing with contention with the public.
The source of the problem is above the level of the police.”

Mistreated policeman and petitioner Chen Junyu also
pointed out that the public relations department has long existed within the Public Security Bureau.
Now it has become an academic and research institution,
without changing the nature of the department.

In recent years there has been increasing social
unrest in Mainland China, together with increasing level of abuse of police power.
Large-scale clashes between the
police and public broke out in 2012.
For example, thousands of local residents fought against
hundreds of policemen in Qingyuan, Guangzhou.
Over ten thousand people rose up
against police violence in Guangxi.
In Guangzhou, anti-terrorism forces fired tear gas
into a group of 10,000 Sichuan migrant workers.
Thousands of military police clashed
with hundreds of Hui minority people.
Many Chinese civilians were injured
or killed during these conflicts.

Hua Po: “When the society is full of injustice,
people will stand out to protect their own interests.
When people defend their legal rights and
interests, police respond with violence.
How can they have a good public image?”

Chen Junyu said more and more criminal cases will appear.

In the face of many petitioners, the authorities
create new crimes to cover up earlier injustices.
There can only be more and more cases that harm
people”s rights and interests, with no hope to solve them.

Chen Junyu: “When people appeal, complain,
or petition, the authorities will respond with more crimes, new and more serious crimes.
As a result, there can only be more cases of innocent
people being unfairly treated, even imprisoned.”

Conflicts between police and the public in Mainland China
reflects the conflicts between government and people.
As the CCP grows ever more corrupt, the
police have become the CCP”s private guard.

Chen Junyu: “There is little difference between
the Public Security Bureau and the gang societies.
They both commit all kinds of evils.

The police show no respect for law, and are only
concerned about personal benefits and power.
They have become absolutely lawless.
Do not expect them to serve the people.
They have entirely lost their humanity.”

Media critics say that although it is apparently the abuse
of police power that causes all the conflicts between
the police and the public, in actuality the clashes lie
in CCP's one-party dictatorship.
It is the rising number of grievances
under the CCP”s oppressive rule.
