【禁闻】警民联谊会 蒙冤警察诉冤情

【新唐人2012年12月31日讯】警民联谊会 蒙冤警察诉冤情

《首届维权警民元旦联谊会》12月30号在北京召开。 据《权利运动Human Rights Campaign in China》组织报导,中国17个省市的42名维权人士出席了《警民联谊会》。



“湖南邵阳自由行” 救朱承志回家



杨崇广州举牌 被当局翻旧账判刑



上海网友聚餐 10多人被传唤带走




Police Officers Redress Grievances at Friendship Association

The 1st Rights Police and the Public New Year Association
was hosted in Beijing on December 30th.
According to Human Rights Campaign in China, 42 rights
activists from 17 Provinces attended the association.

Wronged police representative He Zuhua gave a speech
during the meeting.
He says since the 18th Party Congress, China central and local
government haven’t dealt with the wronged police cases.

The report says rights activists from different places in China
told their miserable petition experience at the meeting.
Every activist hopes the new leaders of China face up and
pay attention to petitioners’ reasonable appeals.
By dealing with each petition case legally and appropriately,
they hope the wronged cases can be redressed soon.

Activities in Hunan’s Shaoyang City to Rescue Zhu Chengzhi

Recently, Chinese netizens Tweeted to appeal for an activity
in Hunan’s Shaoyang City, to rescue rights activist Zhu Chengzhi.
Zhu Chengzhi was detained by Shaoyang police bureau for over
200 days because he revealed the truth of Li Wangyang “suicide”.

The local authority told Zhu’s family that once Zhu promised
not to bother about Li Wangyang case, he would be released.
However, Zhu Chengzhi’s case was transferred to the
Procurator on December 25th.
Zhu’s lawyer says the Communist authority’s accusing of Zhu
doesn’t have any legal basis.
Chinese rights activists say they’ll host a series of activities
to rescue Zhu Chengzhi
They won’t let Li Wangyang’s tragedy happen to him.

Yang Chong Sentenced to Prison for Protesting

Yang Chong protested at Guangzhou government building on
April 1st for Chinese leader Hu Jintao to publicize property.
He was sentenced to one year detention on the
charge of “illegal logging.”
According to VOA’s report, Yang Chong was involved in
a illegal logging case three years ago.
The authority put Yang in prison to settle an old account.

The case is in its second appeal. The lawyer says
Yang Chong insists that he’s innocent.

Oversea Chinese media reported that a dozen young
protesters holding banners with Yang have all been detained on charge of illegal gatherings.
They were secretly sent back to their original city.

Among them is Xiao Yong who has been sentenced to one
year in labor camp. Some of them are still unaccounted.

Shanghai Netizens Dine Together, 10 Summoned to Court

Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CHRD) reported,
a group of Shanghai citizens dined together on the 29th.
10 people were taken away by police before the gathering.
Over 30 Shanghai citizens successfully attended the dinner.

CHRD believes Chinese citizens’ right to assemble, right to
information, rights of supervision, etc. are unavailable in China.
It is worthy of concern in all circles.