【禁闻】当局将建城市群 土地户籍问题尖锐




报导说,从1978年到2011年,大陆城镇人口从1.72亿增加到6.9亿,城镇化率从17.92%提升到51.27%。但2.6亿农民工,没有城镇户籍、享受不到教育、医疗和社会保障, 真正在城市购房的还不足1%。城镇化建设背后潜藏的诸多矛盾日益凸显,包括城市交通拥堵、住房紧张、环境污染、事故灾害等,而其中最为突出的是户籍和土地问题。











采访/朱智善 编辑/李谦 后制/王明宇

Urbanization Plan Aggravates Land and Residency Issues

Many violent events occur in China due to increasing anger
and civil uprising caused by forcible land acquisition.
It is reported that around the Two meetings (annual meetings
of the National People's Congress and Chinese People's
Political Consultative Conference), urbanization plans will be issued.
It is believed that this action will only result in more
landless peasants.
Social problems related to household registration
will also intensify.

The Economic Observer (a Chinese weekly) reported that

the 2011-2020 urbanization plan led by the National Development
and Reform Commission will be issued around the Two meetings.
This program will involve more than 20 urban areas,
180 districts, and more than 10,000 towns.

It has been claimed the plan will upgrade the international
competitiveness of urban areas such as Beijing, Tianjin,
the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta
of eastern China.
It will also foster urbanization in the resourceful
midwest area.

Urban population was reported to increase from 172 million
to 690 million, and urbanization rate from 17.92% to 51.27%, between 1978 and 2011.
However, less than 1% of the 260 million migrant workers
owned a house in the city.
Majority of them are not entitled to urban residency,
education, health care and social security.
Problems behind urbanization such as traffic, housing,
pollution, accidents and disasters, are only getting prominent.
Among them, household registration and land usage
are the most pressing issues.

Gong Shengli, a Beijing based newsrefer.com researcher
told the New Tang Dynasty TV that land in China is right to use but not ownership as in the Western countries.
During the urbanization, the authorities reap huge profits
through forcibly expropriate the land from farmers and commercialize it from high-priced auction.
Local governments become the biggest beneficiary of
the land and leave the deprived farmers in the most difficult situation.

Newsrefer.com researcher Gong Shengli:
"Take Guangzhou as an example.
The most outstanding issue is the Campus City.
The landless farmers protest in the Campus City after
it's built.
Hundreds and thousands of the landless farmers gather there
in clusters in the temporary shelters and try to survive."

A Henan farmer, Mr. Wang, spoke to the local government
of his village which forcibly occupied the land
in the village at a low base price of 10,000 yuan.
Yet, complaints were not accepted anywhere.

Henan Farmer Mr. Wang: "They resold the land at a
minimum of 700,000 yuan, and even at two million an acre.
They have fooled the farmers.
We and the government are irreconcilable."

Mr. Wang said it is claimed that after the 18th National
Congress, the authorities will oversee the acquisition of land. But he suspects the result.

Henan farmer Mr. Wang: "Is it going to work?
They need to know our suffering, understand our complaints,
and learn why there's so much complaint
and hatred of the government."

The problems of urbanization in China are believed to exist
in the systems of land and household registration.
Reform of both the household registration
and the land system must go hand in hand.
That is to allow residency of the migrant workers,
to improve rural land requisition compensation,
to cut government monopoly of land acquisition,
and to allow land revenue to go to the farmers.

Gong Shengli indicated that the identities of athletes
and referees in a normal market economy cannot be confused.
In China, the government is both the player and the referee,
yet there's no protection of landless peasants.

Gong Shengli: "If the mechanisms of the market economy
cannot be implemented, China's market economic chaos will continue and even expand into a critical situation for China."

Gong Shengli stressed that the Chinese Communist Party
has created the harshest environment by not allowing a second voice.
China is experiencing the most serious problems in
humanities, society, and nature among all countries.
