


据消息来源透露,习近平在会议上质疑说:“一系列的措施,反而只能加剧混乱。” 而刘云山下达指示要求全国报纸转载《环球时报》批《南周》的社论,也令习近平大感不快。而对于反抗宣传部命令的编辑和记者,刘云山已经在内部决定对他们进行人事调动或处分。但是习近平指示说,不要处分相关人员。












Japan’s media: Southern Weekend Threatened Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) New Leadership

On Jan. 14th Japan’s Asahi Shimbun newspaper
cited sources from a meeting in Zhongnanhai on Jan. 9th.
The CCP new leader, Xi Jinping was visibly displeased
after hearing Liu Yunshang, a Standing Committee member report
on Southern Weekend incident.
As the incident began in Guangdong Province, becoming a
“freedom of speech” event, threatening the new leadership.

The source revealed that Xi questioned:
“Series of measures can only intensify the disorder”.
Xi was concerned about Liu’s order for major newspapers to
reprint Global Times editorial criticizing Southern Weekend.
For staff in Southern Weekend who disobeyed Liu’s order,
Liu had decided to impose penalties, including dismissals.
However, Xi gave instructions not to punish relevant staff.

The report also said a decision has been made to
remove Tuo Zhen, Guangdong propaganda chief
who led the prior screening of the Southern Weekend.

An immediate removal would reveal
confusion within the CCP.
Tuo isn’t expected to leave the post until at least March,
when the National People’s Congress is scheduled to convene.

Tiananmen Square Student Protest Participant
Sues Judicial Department

Luo Xi in Hunan Province, was said to participate in the
Tiananmen Square Students Protest on June 4, 1989.
Luo decided to sue Hunan Judicial department. His recent
application for a lawyer was disallowed by authorities.
The hearing will be held in Changsha City on Jan. 21st.

This is the first case of a witness of June 4th who was
persecuted and is now suing the Judicial section.

Hong Kong’s Apple Daily reported that Luo Xi said,
he took national judicial exam last year.
He should obtain A-level professional qualifications and
can apply to be a lawyer.
In December 2012, Hunan Judicial department alleged
he hid the criminal penalties record, so his exam is invalid.

Luo Xi sand, “This is typical political persecution.”

Luo said that he knew has little chance to win the case.

He feels he must try so it can reveal the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) evil behavior.

43-year-old Luo Xi, was a 2nd year student at
Renmin University in 1989.
He participated in a parade, hunger strike, and
was head of the Student Picket.
After the military massacre, he was detained for several months.

Since he graduated from university, he has been detained and sent
to labor camp several times for participating in political events.
Now he works as a night patrol at a school
in Xinning County, Hunan Province


On Jan. 13th, night shifts workers in a Taiwan owned company,
Fugang Electronic in Dongkeng, Dongguan, Guangdong Province
were dissatisfied with the quality of the food, worrying about
being poisoned. Workers clashed with catering staff.
The canteen was smashed, causing thousands of workers to
protest. After several hours, the protesters were dismissed.

Radio Free Asia reported that contract catering staff
admitted that on that day one of the foods went wrong.