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Sex Tapes From Five Chongqing Officials Exposed

Recently, sex tape scandals involving five Chongqing
officials were circulated over the internet.
Their careers will go the same way as Lei Zhengfu,
party secretary of Chongqing’s Beipei district.
He was dismissed for a sex tape scandal.

Zhu Ruifeng, founder of an anti-corruption website,
was the first person to expose Lei’s affair.
Zhu told media that he received a similar message.

Voice of America cited Zhu reporting that Chongqing officials
had covered up scandals of officials accepting sexual bribery.

The report cited Zhu saying that after Lei’s and other officials’
sex tapes were revealed, Chongqing police arrested all construction traders who had been involved.
When one of them hired a Beijing lawyer,
to avoid the leakage of the information.
Police destroyed all written notes to protect those officials.

Zhu said that Chongqing Procuratorate approved
the arresting of construction traders.
They are ready to be transferred to the Court for sentence.

Foreign Media: Why Is The Bo Xilai Case Incomplete?

The Bo Xilai case, the biggest political scandal in China,
recently caused Western media to pay attention again.

On Jan. 21st, Neue Zurcher Zeitun newspaper published
an article analyzing the reason that Bo’s case is on hold.

The article said that initially, the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) leaders hoped to complete Bo’s case before the 18th
Party Congress to avoid the new leadership having to carry
on the pressure. However, currently it is not achieving that goal.

The article analyzed that the CCP’s biggest problem of
holding off on the Bo case is due to the difficulty of deciding which key point can be used to sue Bo.

The article said that for Bo’s wife,
Gu Kailai using the crime of murder was very easy.
For Bo Xilai, it should emphasize abusing power and his
However, by doing so, many CCP leaders will be involved
in embarrassing situations.

Thousands Of Villagers Hold Large Parade Against Corruption

On Jan. 20th, thousands of villagers in Dongyong Township in
Shanwei, Guangdong Province held an anti-corruption parade.
They protested against officials having sold their farmland
and embezzling huge sums of money.
They wanted the authorities to severely punish the
corrupt officials and return their land.

Protesters shouted anti-corruption officials slogans,
parading to the city of Land and Resources Bureau (LRB).
They hanged the banners on the gate of the LRB and
continued parade to City Hall.
Many riot police and armed police were sent to the site,
but both sides didn’t clash.

Overseas Jasmine Revolution website reported that
since last year, local villagers held seven parades.
The third time, villagers and police clashed. Many villagers
were injured and some of them were still in hospital.

Sources said that over the past 20 years, at least 200 mu of
farmland had been sold in Dongyong township.
Villagers said that they must take their land back and check
the village committee’s accounts until everything is clear.

Shenyang Petitioners Forcibly Works Nine Hours A Day
In Labor Camp

64tianwang website reported that 49-year-old petitioner
Liu Yuling, held in Mashanjia Women Labor Camp in Shenyang is six months pregnant.
However, she was still forced to do labor work daily
between nine and 14 hours.

The report said that Liu’s husband requested
the labor camp release her many times, but was rejected.
They told him that Liu has put weight on.
In other words she is healthy.

Liu appealed outside Wen Jiabao’s home
before the Chinese New Year in 2012.
In August she was sentenced to one year labor camp
on the excuse of disturbing social peace.

According to Chinese Communist Party (CCP) law, if someone
is pregnant, the sentence can be served outside the labor camp.