【新唐人2013年01月23日讯】 各地两会召开 访民诉冤遭打压
据《自由亚洲电台》报导,23岁的牧民贡秋嘉(Kunchok Kyab)当天中午12点,在博拉乡的“博拉寺”附近引火自焚,当场死亡。
疑涉自焚 四藏僧获刑2至10年
Petitioners Suppressed During Chinese Communist Party Annual Meeting
Regional annual meetings of the People’s Congress and
Political Consultative conference are beginning in China.
Many petitioners, whose appeal hasn’t been dealt
with for many years, went to the meetings to appeal.
They hoped their case would be noticed.
However, the authorities sent many
police to suppress petitioners.
The Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch website reported that
on January 21, the first day of local meetings was held.
Nearly 1,000 of petitioners in Wuhai
appealed outside the local meeting.
Many police were sent to stop them, and
many petitioners were forcibly taken away.
The following day, there were still 200 petitioners
who handed their letters to the appeals bureau.
More than 100 police and guards were
sent to the site to stop them appealing.
In addition to Hubei Province, Jiangsu authorities also sent
many police to stop petitioners from approaching the venue.
Some petitioners managed to break through,
but were taken away from the appeals office.
Their local officials took them home.
Many petitioners were badly beaten.
30 Protest Incidents In One Day
The Chinese New Year is approaching.
Workers are protesting for their wages and
benefits, which often takes place in China.
The Epoch Times reported that there were
30 protests taking place on January 21.
Over 1,000 workers from Guangdong Stadium Electronic,
and Jianshu Changrui Auto Parts held protests.
The protest continued into January 22.
Third Tibetan Self-Immolation Incident This Year
On Jan. 22, a Tibetan man in
Gansu Province set himself on fire.
This was to protest against the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) brutal control.
Radio Free Asia reported that the 23-year-old farmer,
Kunchok Kyab, self-immolated at 12pm near a temple. He died at the site.
This is the third self-immolation incident this year.
Four Tibetan Monks Given 2 to 10 Year Jail Sentences
Voice of America reported that in mid-January, Sichuan
Aba autonomous court sentenced four monks to jail.
An 18-year-old monk called Yapei
was sentenced to 6 years in jail.
Another 18-year-old monk called
Nansai was sentenced to 10 years.
A 19-year-old monk called Luosangsenge was
sentenced to 2 years, and a 22 year-od monk
called Arsong was sentenced to 6 months in jail.
However, the CCP did not disclose
the reasons for the monks sentences.
The temples where these monks lived were
the scene of several self-immolation incidents.
The monks may have been involved
in these incidents, and thus arrested.
据《自由亚洲电台》报导,23岁的牧民贡秋嘉(Kunchok Kyab)当天中午12点,在博拉乡的“博拉寺”附近引火自焚,当场死亡。
疑涉自焚 四藏僧获刑2至10年
Petitioners Suppressed During Chinese Communist Party Annual Meeting
Regional annual meetings of the People’s Congress and
Political Consultative conference are beginning in China.
Many petitioners, whose appeal hasn’t been dealt
with for many years, went to the meetings to appeal.
They hoped their case would be noticed.
However, the authorities sent many
police to suppress petitioners.
The Civil Rights & Livelihood Watch website reported that
on January 21, the first day of local meetings was held.
Nearly 1,000 of petitioners in Wuhai
appealed outside the local meeting.
Many police were sent to stop them, and
many petitioners were forcibly taken away.
The following day, there were still 200 petitioners
who handed their letters to the appeals bureau.
More than 100 police and guards were
sent to the site to stop them appealing.
In addition to Hubei Province, Jiangsu authorities also sent
many police to stop petitioners from approaching the venue.
Some petitioners managed to break through,
but were taken away from the appeals office.
Their local officials took them home.
Many petitioners were badly beaten.
30 Protest Incidents In One Day
The Chinese New Year is approaching.
Workers are protesting for their wages and
benefits, which often takes place in China.
The Epoch Times reported that there were
30 protests taking place on January 21.
Over 1,000 workers from Guangdong Stadium Electronic,
and Jianshu Changrui Auto Parts held protests.
The protest continued into January 22.
Third Tibetan Self-Immolation Incident This Year
On Jan. 22, a Tibetan man in
Gansu Province set himself on fire.
This was to protest against the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) brutal control.
Radio Free Asia reported that the 23-year-old farmer,
Kunchok Kyab, self-immolated at 12pm near a temple. He died at the site.
This is the third self-immolation incident this year.
Four Tibetan Monks Given 2 to 10 Year Jail Sentences
Voice of America reported that in mid-January, Sichuan
Aba autonomous court sentenced four monks to jail.
An 18-year-old monk called Yapei
was sentenced to 6 years in jail.
Another 18-year-old monk called
Nansai was sentenced to 10 years.
A 19-year-old monk called Luosangsenge was
sentenced to 2 years, and a 22 year-od monk
called Arsong was sentenced to 6 months in jail.
However, the CCP did not disclose
the reasons for the monks sentences.
The temples where these monks lived were
the scene of several self-immolation incidents.
The monks may have been involved
in these incidents, and thus arrested.