












茅于轼 2012年3月,获得米尔顿.弗里德曼自由奖。1975年开始,从事微观经济学研究。1986年在美国哈佛大学担任访问学者,1987年回中国,此后7年内担任非洲能源政策研究网顾问﹔1993年从中国社科院退休,参与创办“北京天则经济研究所”。

采访/陈汉 编辑/黄亿美 后制/王明宇

Mao Yushi's New Book:
Where does the Chinese People's Discontent Come From?

Why is there such great social discontent in China?

Mao Yunshi, a well-known economist, just published a new
book “Where does Chinese People's Anxiety Come From”.
In this book, he objectively analyzes all kinds of issues that
China is facing from an economic point of view.
He utilized real cases and economic analyses to reflect
Chinese people's current spiritual and living situation.

Mao Yunshi, Chinese economist,
recently publicized his new book,
in which he says that people's discontent
has been escalating as fast as China's economy.

Mao Yunshi: “My new book wasn't completed all at once.
The articles in this book were collected over time.
China is at the stage of a society in transformation.

A lot of issues need to be discussed,
so I am only expressing my own opinion.”

Mao Yunshi raised a couple of questions that
people most care about.
The first one was addressed to the country:
Should reform or continued construction be applied?
Should the country be people-oriented or nation-oriented?

The second question was addressed to society:
how to deal with society's injustices and how to acquire justice?
Where is the conscience of the wealthy?

The third question was addressed to people's livelihoods:
Why can't we rent cheaper? Why do city police and safety guards often beat ordinary people?
Mao Yunshi thinks that all of these problems are caused by
the loss of society's sense of justice.

Mao Yunshi: “Simply speaking, Sun Zhongshan
overturned the Qing Dynasty.
It seems that the imperial system and imperial power
were eliminated from China.
In fact, the imperial system has never died out.

It comes back and forth. Even Mao Zedong
declared himself “First Emperor of Qin”.”

The book “Where does Chinese people's anxiety come from”
begins with a discussion of “Facing up to Social Injustice”.
He objectively analyzed all kind of issues that
China is facing right now.
The analysis is backed up with real cases and numbers.

The book also summarizes Chinese people's
current spiritual and living conditions.
Mao Yushi has asked the Chinese Communist Party
to give up self-interest and resume justice, this is the only way to solve social discontent.

Xie Tian, Professor from Business School,
University of South Carolina Aiken, stated that
the CCP has never planned to give up their power.

Xie Tian: “Since the CCP was founded, communism
has been used as a tool to collect wealth from people.
Self-interest is always the CCP's only goal.

In order to crack down on its people's resistance,
or to maintain its totalitarian regime, money is needed.
Therefore, if they let go their self-interest, they are
letting go their power. Once they lose their power, the CCP will disintegrate immediately.”

Xie Tian also stated that what Chinese people have now
is not only anxiety or discontent, but anger.

Xie Tian: “More and more Chinese people see the essence
of the CCP and the crimes that the CCP has committed.
In the past 60 years, the CCP has killed 7,0 or 8,0 million
Chinese people.
Now these facts are disclosed and
the essence of the CCP is exposed.
The crime, live organ harvesting, committed by the CCP
is also getting more and more international attention.”

In his new book, Mao Yunshi also mentions that

there are hundreds of thousands of petitions in which
ordinary people accuse of officials.
However, the success rate of those petitions is less than 10%.

Some local governments arrest those who appeal for justice,
then imprison them or beat them.

Mao Yunshi says in his new book that ordinary people
don't have any weapons and they can only address the injustice by reasoning things out.
However, when their lives are endangered there
is nowhere they can address their reasoning.
In this case, there is no way that the country can be stable.

When there is any controversy, negotiation doesn't
necessarily solve the disagreement.
In this situation, there has to be some way to solve it
without using force, this is a free vote for all of the people.
For example, when two factions cannot agree on
the candidates of nation's senior leadership,
voting should be used to solve the disagreement.
This is a Democratic constitutional system.
“Once this set of rules is set up,
society will be able to reason things out.
Society will thus become stable.
People's discontent will disappear too.”

In February 2012, Mao Yunshi was awarded
the Milton Friedman Prize.
Since 1975, Mao has been working on
the study of micro- economics.
In 1986, he stayed at Harvard University
as a visiting scholar. He went back to China in 1987.
Since then, he has served as a consultant for research
on African energy policies for 7 years.
In 1993, he retired from the Chinese Academy of
Social Sciences and helped found “Beijing Tianze Economic Research Institute”.