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Masterminds The Cyber Attack on New York Times

A CCP top-level insider verified the cyber-attack on the New
York Times was directed by the CCP Publicity Department.
Buxun.com reported on February 2nd that Beijing Top level
revealed the cyber-attack on the New York Times was on the
orders of Publicity Department network management office.

The message revealed that Liu Yunshan, Liu Qibao and the
head of network management office Wang Chen were masterminds in the cyber attack.

Google Top Level: China Is the Most Dangerous
Country in the World

The New Digital Age written by Google's Executive Chairman
Eric Schmidt and former US State Department adviser Jared
Cohen will be published by the Random House in April 2013.

VOA reported that Schmidt and Cohen listed
China's cyber crimes without reservation in the book.
They indicated that China is the most dangerous
country in the world.

China, Schmidt and Cohen write, is “the world's most active
and enthusiastic filterer of information”.
As well as “the most sophisticated and prolific”
hacker of foreign companies.
Driven by economic and political interests, the CCP supports
cyber-crimes, making it the world's largest network threat.

They wrote “The mix of active citizens armed with technology
and tight government control is exceptionally volatile.”
It's a warning this could lead to “widespread instability.”

Guizhou Residents' Protest Was Suppressed

Jasmine Revolution in China reported hundreds of
villagers in Panjiang County of Guizhou Province
blocked a highway to protest against the government's
violent land acquisition on February 2.
The protest was suppressed by over one hundred
riot police. A lot of people were injured.

The report says the local government dispatched hundreds
of armed police, riot squad, urban management staffs,
public security and health care workers to Panjiang
County's Pingbao village to appropriate land by force.
They injured two people and scared one into mental collapse.

The incident caused villagers' indignation. A great number of
villagers went to Jinhai Boulevard to protest.

On the morning of February 2nd, police officers forcibly
dispersed the villagers.
In the afternoon, hundreds of villagers went to the
toll stationat Panjiang section of Guiyang-Xinzhai Expressway causing traffic gridlock.