















Baidu lets “Patriotism Does Not Equal Loving the Party" be
freely viewed online

Lately, some leading websites, including Baidu and
Sina micro-blogging, lifted screening of the phrase,
“Patriotism does not equal loving the Party."
China’s netizens now can even post their comments on it.

Analysts believe that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
new leadership is flying its kite.
That is, to explore how the Party impresses the civil society.

So, it doesn’t rule out that this phrase will be screened
again in the short term.

A netizen posted, “A country belongs to all Chinese people.
The Party is a self-interest organization of some individuals.
Today, the Party which is composed of the minority kidnaps
the country, and overpowers it.”

Banners Telling Falun Dafa Truth Spring up
During Chinese New Year Holiday

During the Chinese New Year holiday 2013, China has seen
bright scenery of many banners telling truth of Falun Dafa.

These banners are written with words, "Falun Dafa is good!"
"Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good!”
"The Heaven will ruin the CCP, Denounce the Party
for security of your life."

On Feb. 10th Chinese New Year's Day, Falun Gong practitioners
in parks of Northeast China released some balloons hung with banners reading "Falun Dafa is Good!"
Seeing these balloons, local people read the words loudly,
"Falun Dafa is Good!"

A Chinese Protestor taken away for demonstrating
at the North Korean Nuclear Test

On February 12th after North Korea staged a third
nuclear test, China’s people protested outdoors.
Outside North Korea’s Consulate General in Shenyang,

some Chinese citizens held placards that read,
“Protest against North Korea’s nuclear test!”
Netizens posted online the address and phone number
of the North Korean Embassy in Beijing.
Currently, some netizens continue to go to protest outside
the North Korean Embassy in Beijing.

On February 13th in Hefei city, local police took away
a netizen who held a placard to protest in Xiaoyaojin Park.

Hundreds of Petitioners Seek Justice in Wangfujing, Beijing

Boxun.com reported that about 300 petitioners gathered
outside in Wangfujing Street, Beijing on February 13.
Holding banners and kneeling down, they recounted their
grievances to passers-by, chanting “We’re put in the wrong!”
The miserable scene brought many people to tears.

Beijing police rushed to the scene and saw the misery.

Straight away, they helped up kneeling petitioners and
persuaded them sincerely.
More petitioners then knelt down, accompanied with
crying and shouting.
Half an hour later, at urging of the superior, the police roughly
dispersed hundreds of kneeling petitioners whilst crying.
The police took away over a dozen petitioners.