
【新唐人2013年02月15日讯】前不久,前环法自行车赛“七冠王”兰斯? 阿姆斯特朗承认服用兴奋剂,轰动体坛。2月12号,“世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)”总干事戴维•豪曼(David Howman)在伦敦举行的记者会上说,99%用来制造非法兴奋剂的原材料来自中国。“世界反兴奋剂机构”主席约翰•费伊(John Fahey)也表示,兴奋剂事件是因为很多国家对“反兴奋剂”的标准低,不够严格。



北京独立制片人 杨伟东:“兴奋剂准确的定义就是比赛运动员用任何方式,应用机体不存在的物质或非生理途径,生理途径,唯一目地,使人为的极不公平提高运动成绩,称之为使用兴奋剂,这是国际的规定,严格的一个规定。”



中国“中山大学药学院”教授 黎星术:“现在体育界用的这种类固醇,一般通过口服,或者注射,可以增强运动员的肌肉,这些类固醇可以增加肌肉块头和力量。国家应该控制的,因为这种药的话,如果是医生来说也不能够随便开的,但是中国的事情有的时候,你知道,恐怕有地下啦……那种方式。”






去年4月18号下午,杨伟东在北京首都国际机场出境时受阻,北京警方给出的理由是“可能危害国家安全”。杨伟东在行前,曾打算向“国际奥委会”主席雅克•罗格(Jacques Rogge)和“世界反兴奋剂机构”主席约翰•费伊发出采访邀请。


采访/朱智善 编辑/周平 后制/王明宇

Anti-Doping Chief: 99% of Raw Doping Materials Come From China

Recently, Lance Armstrong, former cyclist,
seven-time Tour de France winner, has admitted doping.
On Feb. 12th David Howman, director-general, the World Anti-
Doping Agency (WADA) spoke at a London news conference.
He said that 99% raw doping materials come from China.

John Fahey, president of WADA also said many Countries
lowered standard of anti-doping and are not strict enough.
This caused the doping incident.

For worldwide doping scandals, Fahey said Countries
didn't do enough work on anti-doping.
He said WADA has made progress with Chinese authorities,
but more needed to be done.

Fahey said that on many occasions, they received complaints
over the Chinese Anti-Doping Agency (CHINADA).
He added that WADA had asked for China to co-operate,
many suppliers would be shut down.
However, he said suppliers aren't the major source of
doping supply, China remains the major source of supply.”

Yang Weidong, Beijing independent film maker: “A term for
doping is athletes use non-physiological way to unfairly improve their performance.
It is called the use of performance-enhancing drugs.
International provisions are very strict.”

Fahey said, WADA has used more clever ways to test athletes.

However, he added, now what we need to do is to
test the likely drugs cheats.

Fahey said that “same bad guys” were involved in
match-fixing and the supply of illegal drugs because of the huge sums of money involved in each case.

Li Xingshu, Professor at School of Pharmaceutical Science in
Sun Yat-Sen University in China:
“Now the sports community uses steroid, usually through eating it or taking injections.
It can build athletes' muscles and increase strength. Countries
should control it, even doctors couldn't use it casually.
However in China, you know, always secret ways
under the table...”

Xue Yinxian, mother of Yang Weidong, former employee at
the State General Administration of Sports (SGAS).
She served as a doctor for the gymnastics team
and other teams.
She began to worn on anti-doping in sports industry
since the 1970's.
However she was persecuted by the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP).

Yang Weidong: “Doping in China started in the 1980's, at that
time, SGAS recommended to use it to improve training.
My mother opposed it, causing tragedy to my family.
My father was beaten to death in 2007 by SGAS personnel.”

Xue Yinxian said that the Chinese sport “rose” in 1980's.

Using drugs was officially recommended as part of
scientific training method.
Xue told Sydney Morning Herald that this method
flooded in during the 1980's in China.
She added that every Chinese athlete must take this training,
otherwise he would be criticized or even punished.

Yang Weidong: “So sports have lost their original meanings:
exploring the highest potential of humans. Especially in China.”

Li Xingshu: “Customers use it will cause problems,
it has side effects, it isn't good to take too many.
For man, it will change his character,
causing kidney abnormality.
For woman, it will build strong muscle, causing menstrual
disorders, body hair growing too much.
These are side effects, certainly it shouldn't be used.”

On the afternoon of April 18th 2012, Yang Weidong was
stopped from boarding a flight at Capital Airport in Beijing.
He was alleged to be “endangering national security”
by Beijing police.
Before Yang set off, he planned to contact Jacques Rogge,

President of the International Olympic committee and
John Fahey for interview.

In the 1990's, a series of athletes' drug scandals
happened in China.
The CCP shifted responsibilities to athletes and coaches.
It said, they pursue fame resulting in such personal behaviors.