

美国计算机安全公司Mandiant 2月19号发表的这份报告,长达60页,详细分析了近年来美国各行业遭受的网络袭击。报告指出,网络攻击来自于中国的一个俗称“注释组”(Comment Crew)或“上海组”(Shanghai Group)的黑客团体,这一组织的总部位于上海浦东的一幢12层楼。而中共61398部队恰恰驻扎在这里。



美国“哥伦比亚大学”访问学者 谷川:“它如果承认的话,那世界上所有的国家就会对它进行谴责。所以它肯定不会承认这样的网络攻击。它肯定说:即使有这些攻击,也不是军方支持的。”

报告显示,自2006年以来,中共黑客组织入侵了美国20个主要领域的将近150个主要机构,并窃取了大量数据。 Mandiant公司追踪到了其中几名黑客的入侵过程,发现他们在为中共军方服务。


“全球自由信息运动”网站创办人 张新宇:“那就是斗争哲学嘛。它(中共)甚么东西都不讲道理的。枪杆子里出政权,它是不讲道理的。它从来就不按法则的,就按实力,像动物世界以爪牙和拳头作为标准。”




上海维权访民 沈佩兰:“我家的这条网线,他们是一直攻击的,攻击很厉害的。网页打不开,出现乱七八糟的病毒,杀都杀不掉的。”

另据《美国之音》报导,“英国广播公司(BBC)”驻华记者约翰.苏德沃斯(John Sudworth)日前试图到61398部队驻地附近拍照,但遭到岗哨制止并被短暂扣留。

采访/易如 编辑/李谦 后制/葛雷

US Firm: CCP’ Army Behind the Cyber Attacks?

Recently, a US computer security firm released a report.

The report says, cyber attacks aimed at the US,
and coming from Mainland China increased severely.
A Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) secret military unit
in Pudong (Shanghai) is most likely behind the cases.
The CCP military denied the allegations.

However, outsiders commented that externally,
the CCP hacks computers and steals information;
internally, it censors the Internet,
thus gaining the reputation of a “network rogue regime.”

The US computer security firm Mandiant released 60-pages
report on Feb. 19th, analyzing the recent US cyber attacks.
It said cyber attacks came from a group of hackers
known as Comment Crew or the Shanghai Group.
The hackers are located in a 12-story building in Shanghai,
coinciding with the address of military unit code 61398.

The New York Times Chinese version reported, unit 61398
is believed to be the 2nd Bureau of People’s Liberation Army
(PLA) General Staff Department’s (GSD) 3rd Division,
which is known to play a major role in the cyber espionage.
WikiLeaks had released before a cable document
of the US State Council.
It states, the US has worries about unit 61398
attacking government’s websites.
However, considering the need of continuing tracking,
and diplomacy, the US didn’t disclose this problem.

After the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and other US
media were attacked, Mandiant released a detailed report.
The report had identified and exposed
the CCP hackers groups.
However, the CCP Defense Ministry denied
these Mandiant’s allegation on Feb. 19th.

Gu Chuan, visiting scholar at Columbia University in US:
“If the CCP admits it, all the countries will condemn it.
Thus, it surely won’t admit cyber attacks. It will instead say:
‘Even if there are such attacks, military won’t support them.’”

The report shows, since 2006, the CCP hackers have stolen
massive quantities of data from more than 150 organizations in 20 major industries.
Mandiant traced several hackers, identifying them
as working for the Chinese military.

The report says, the US government has employed
cyber-crime fighters.
However, the US government is very strict in this regard,
prohibiting using that for non-military purpose or for stealing companies data.
In comparison to this,
the CCP’s cyber attacks are rather irresponsible.
The US companies and organizations became major target;
the hackers even tried to control critical infrastructures, such as the electrical power grid.

Zhang Xinyu, founder of Global Information Freedom
Movement: “This is the philosophy of struggle.
The CCP is unreasonable. ‘Political power grows out of the
barrel of a gun’ [Mao’s quote] - they are unreasonable.
The CCP never follows rules, but force,
it is like in the animal world, using claws and kicks.”

Zhang Xinyu believes, technologically the US has led
the computer industry, so the CCP isn’t a match for them.
However, the one-party dictatorship controls all resources
in China, in order to survive it has put a lot of manpower and resources into the Internet industry.

Zhang Xinyu: “In the past, the CCP studied computer viruses,
to control civilians, and have Internet blockade and a firewall.
Of course now it has engaged in technology
of cyber hacking.”

During mid-December 2009, at least 20 US companies
were targeted by the CCP hackers - “Operation Aurora.”
Google’s Gmail was the main victim,
with some of its intellectual property being stolen.
In addition, hackers also attacked
Chinese activists’ emails.

Shen Peilan, Shanghai petitioner:
“They always attack my home internet, very vicious.
I can’t open the webpage, there were many viruses,
I can’t even remove them.”

Voice of America reported, BBC’s journalist John Sudworth,
based in China, went to unit 61398 to take some photos.
However, he was stopped by the building guards,
and briefly detained.