【禁闻】粤揭阳两村集体械斗 警察袖手观战

【新唐人2013年02月26日讯】粤揭阳两村集体械斗 警察袖手观战





律师联名 追究王登朝案违法者责任










Armed Villagers Fight Each Other in Guangdong Province

The villagers of Liaodong and Liupan Villages
in Jiedong County, Guangdong Province,
experienced conflicts for two days running.
This was due to noise problems caused by ritual parades.
Hundreds of people fought with each other in intense scenes.

According to the Epoch Times, on February 22,
villagers in Liaodong Village had a traditional parade.
When they passed though the public road in
Liupan Village, a villager put on loud stereo sound.
This overshadowed the sound of the gongs and drums.

The parade group asked the villager to lower
the stereo sound, but the other party didn’t listen.
The parade group began throwing firecrackers at the door
of the villager, who responded by throwing sewage.
The two sides clashed.

The gate of the villager was smashed, and
several villagers of Liupan village were injured.

On February 23, the conflict escalated.

Hundreds of villagers armed with sticks
and helmets turned out to fight.
They attacked each other with petrol bombs, stones,
sulfuric acid and firecrackers, and the scene was chaotic.
Dozens of police officers stood and
watched, without stopping them.

More than 40 police cars came to the scene later.
After persuasion, the conflict ended after 10:00pm.

Open Letter for Wang Dengchao Case

On February 22, 19 well-known Chinese human
rights lawyers published a citizens proposal to the
Court and Procuratorate of Guangdong Province.

The proposal asked for the continuation of the open trial
of the case of the democratic activist Wang Dengchao.
It asked that the illegal actions
of investigators be hold to account.

The open letter published by 19 lawyers, including
Tang Jitian, Li Fang Ping, Ding Jiaxi, Jiang Tianyong
and Liang Xiaojun, questioned the impartiality of the
sentencing of Wang Dengchao on March 8 2012.
Wang was sentenced to 14 years without issuing,
any formalities within the Shenzhen legal systems.

The open letter also criticized that when the case entered
the second stage, Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court
made all kinds of illegal actions.
The letter said Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court
didn’t inform the collegial panel in advance regarding the
composition of officers and court time, according to law.
During the sitting, the court did not maintain neutrality,

repeatedly interrupting, and preventing Wang Dengchao
and his lawyer from being able to speak and show evidence.
This resulted in the lawyer being unable to perform
their duties, and they had to leave the courtroom.
The court continued the hearing, saying that
the lawyer was discharged of his commission.
This was a disguised way to deprive Wang
of the right to defense by his lawyer.

It was learned that Wang Dengchao’s new lawyers,
Wang Quanzhang and Liu Xiaoyuan have filed a
criminal complaint of favoritism towards the people
in charge of the related department in Shenzhen.

Anger Over Chinese Police Beating Parent with Children

On February 24, police beat citizens
in Linhai, Zhejiang Province.
This resulted in conflicts between police and citizens
breaking out, and police vehicles were overturned.

According to the Jasmine Revolution website,
on that morning, in the coastal city of Datian
Triangle Park, a parent took his son to school,
and also brought their neighbor’s children.
On the way, he was stopped by traffic police
in the name of illegally taking passengers.
He was subject to fines and detention. The parent
argued with the traffic police, but he was beaten.
The policeman’s behavior caused onlookers’ to become
angry, and a crowd overturned police enforcement vehicles.

The case triggered the gathering of over
a thousand people, causing traffic jams.
The authorities sent a large number of police to clear people,
and the parents and children were taken away by police.
