











《新唐人》特约经济评论员马杰森: “去年经济发展放缓后,中共的解决办法也就是靠银行拼命贷款,也就是给地方政府和大中型企业创造债务,那么这个债务贷款最终就变成了印钞。 在过去30多年里头,或者中共执政60多年里,几次都发生这样的事,就是让银行多印钞票,把债务变成通胀,最终是老百姓靠通胀来解决中共的债务的问题。”


采访/朱智善 编辑/宋风 后制/萧宇

U.S. Media on China’s Debt Bomb

On February 27, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) published
the article, “China Has Its Own Debt Bomb”.
The article pointed out that since 2008, China’s public
and private debts are more than twice its GDP.
This is an unprecedented level in any developing country
and a time bomb for the economy collapse.

The article pointed out that China’s economy
has been relying on heavy development of investments.
Especially after the 2008 global financial crisis,
in order to maintain economic growth,
the panicked Chinese Communist Party’ (CCP) officials
introduced a stimulus package of 4 trillion Yuan.
The annual amount of new loans increased over threefold;

for the past 12 months, the new loans reached $2.75 trillion,
but about half of them came from the ‘shadow bank system.’
The investments share increased from 43% to 48%,
which is an unprecedented record for any country.

The author of the article, Ruchir Sharma, is responsible
for the Emerging Markets department at the Morgan Stanley Investment Management Company.
He believes that now China’s public and private debt
is more than 2 times its GDP, which is an unprecedented level in any developing country.
According to the most important indicators to measure
private debt growth, China is now in a very dangerous zone.

Sharma also pointed out that based on indicators from
the Bank of International Settlements and the IMF, China will face financial crisis.

Professor Xie Tian from the U.S. University of the South
Carolina believes that the large number of loans from shadow banking is a ticking bomb for the Chinese society.
Xie reminded that in China small, medium, or private
enterprises cannot get loans from the state-owned banks.
In order to maintain their business they have to apply
for shadow banking loans with very high interest rates.
When the enterprises cannot pay such high interest rates,
the enterprise will go bankrupt, or the boss will ‘runaway,’ then these loans become bad debts.

Xie Tian: “When the bad debts become too much, these
underground shadow banks will go bankrupt and collapse.
As many people are involved, most of them are probably
owners of medium, small, and private enterprises.
If a large number of them go bankrupt,
there will be a big issue with the unemployment.”

Xie pointed out, if China’s unemployment rate keeps rising,
or the economic recession continues, or the central government tightens the monetary policy,
all these are likely to detonate the bomb,
and even the state-owned banks will collapse.

Sharma also wrote, even if China was able to escape
the financial crisis, it is unlikely to avoid national economic slowdown which comes with the debts.
In fact, about one third of China’s bank loans are involved
in the speculative real estate, whereas export and industrial production have slowed down.
He pointed out, if China wants to balance the economy again,
it has to decrease the investments and growth rate of debts.

Many mainland China scholars have warned
about China’s economic crisis.
Li Zuojun, deputy of State Research Center at the Resource
and Environmental Policy Institute, wrote the article, “The outbreak of economic crisis in China 2013.”
Shown at an internal meeting, the paper talks of two factors,
which can lead to crisis outbreak: the real estate bubble burst, and the local debt crisis.

However, the CCP’s regime still believes,
the financial system and economic growth are not at risk,
because China has so little foreign debts, as well as
over 3 trillion U.S. dollars in foreign exchange reserves,
plus huge domestic savings,
which can absorb the risk of bad debts.

NTD’ special economic commentator, Jason Ma also believes
that if many bad debts appear, they will be passed on to the ordinary people, as the banks are owned by CCP’s regime.

Jason Ma:“After the economic slowdown last year,
the CCP’s solution is to rely on banks to give loans.
This is to create huge debts for the local governments,
and medium and big sized enterprises.
Thus this debt loans eventually became
just printed money.
In the last 60 years, since CCP is in power, this happened
several times, they let the banks print more money,
turn the debts into inflation, eventually relying on imposing
inflation on people to solve CCP’s debt.”

Ma gave as an example China’s “Three Years Great Famine”,
(1959 to 1962,) when over 30 million people died of hunger, from “natural disasters”, as the CCP claims.
Yet, according to independent sources this was a collapse
of the economy, but the CCP never admitted this, nor that it was a ruling problem too.
Thus, one cannot use the international law
to assess and measure China’s problems.
