




广东揭西土地纠纷 警民对峙持续


因不满官商勾结贱卖村里500亩田地,上浦村村民自2月22号开始占领村广场示威。 24号,抗议村民与当地官员雇佣的黑社会人员爆发激烈冲突,双方混战,大约30辆车被砸,警方到场后逮捕了6人。








U.S. Media: Chinese Universities Suspected of Cyber Espionage

USA Today reported on February 28 that China
established internet security research departments
in 10 universities over the past 5 years,

They openly study effective methods
of attacking U.S. electricity facilities.

The report quotes the editor of American magazine
Science, that Chinese universities published studies
of cyber espionage, including "How to Effectively
Attack U.S. Power Network” in 2009.
The editor points out that these schools
recruit fresh blood for the Chinese army.
The Chinese army is accused of large-scale internet
attacks against U.S. corporations and governments.

They believe that the CCP's internet attacks rely upon its
hundreds of computer departments and research institutes.
The CCP network of academic institutions
serves the main purpose of domestic surveillance.
This is followed by cyber war and espionage.

Civilians Continue to Confront Police in Jiexi, Guangdong Over Land Disputes

Villagers in Shangpu, Jiexi County of Guangdong Province
continue to confront the police over land disputes.
As two sides remain in deadlock, state police have
blocked roads to prevent anyone from entering.

Dissatisfied that government and corporations collude
in rapid sales of the village's 33 acres of land, Shangpu
villagers occupied their square since February 22.
On February 24, fierce fighting broke out between protesting
villagers and gang members, hired by local officials.
About 30 cars were destroyed. Police arrested of six people.

BBC Chinese website quoted local villagers.

Over 10 people were seriously injured since protests started.
At present, protesters are still occupying the square.

The report says this is another village collective protest.

It follows last year's mass protest over
land disputes in Wukan, Guangdong.

Thousands of Nanchong Residents Block Roads to Protest against Police Abuse

February 26th and 27th, thousands of people
in Dingshui Town, Nanchong City in Sichuan
Province blocked roads to protest.

The Chinese Jasmine Revolution website reports
the incident to be a family protesting against police
turning a homicide case into suicide after bribery.

News says police tried to get hold of the corpses to be
cremated. Infuriated villagers thus blocked roads to protest.

Reports say the protest paralyzed local traffic.

The government dispatched police
from the entire county to maintain order.
Sporadic clashes occurred between police and villagers,
causing several villagers to be wounded and arrested.