【禁闻】女富豪:中国要民主 变革不可避免



据香港《主场新闻》(House News)新闻网站报导,“60分钟”这一集节目的内容主要是介绍北京“地产大亨”张欣,以及中国近二十年的房地产发展。主持人没有问及任何有关地产以外的问题,张欣却自动爆出“中国人最想要民主”这样的话,使资深主持人Lesley Stahl也感意外。











采访编辑/李韵 后制/李智远

Democratic Reform Is Inevitable for China

Chinese people from all walks of life are demanding an end
to Chinese Communist Party (CCP) one-party dictatorship.
Their calls for democracy grow louder and louder.

Recently, a wealthy Chinese woman told an interviewer
that Chinese people want democracy the most.
Observers point out that China is on the eve of a
democratic revolution, and changes are inevitable.

Zhang Xin, CEO of SOHO, China's leading
real estate developers, has stunned the world
during an interview on CBS’ "60 Minutes”.

He said, "if you ask people in China, what they want
the most is not food, not a house, but democracy."

Hong Kong’s House News website reported that "60 Minutes"
mainly introduces the Beijing real estate tycoon Zhang Xin
and nearly two decades of real estate development.

The host did not ask any question outside of real estate.

Zhang Xin’s remark, regarding "what Chinese people want
the most," even surprised senior moderator, Lesley Stahl.

Hua Po, current affairs observer in Beijing, points out
that China is on the eve of a democratic revolution.
This has the consensus of people from all walks of life.

If constitutional democracy is not implemented, there may
be a violent revolution, and may lead to a total destruction.
For the majority of Chinese people, they will
gain the whole world and lose their shackles.

Hua Po: “These real estate tycoons have
too many things, including the shackles.
They are most afraid of a violent reform.

They agreed to stability before, however, the
mode of maintaining stability has come to an end.
The more the regime tries to maintain
stability, the less stable the country becomes.
Only when China implements
democracy will the rich be protected.”

In February, Japan's "Foreign Affairs"
magazine published an article, entitled:
"Five possibilities for China marching toward democracy.”

The article pointed out that in the next 5-10
years, democratization of China is unavoidable.

It listed the democratic history of many countries.

In its analysis, there are two factors deciding
the collapse and replacement of the CCP.
The first is a one-party dictatorship.

Analysts say that a one-party dictatorship,
however sophisticated, will continue to suffer the effects of aging and decaying.
In addition, increasing corruption and deterioration of
governance also estrange the regime from the masses.

Wang Bei-Ji, current affairs commentator pointed
out that the rottenness of the CCP’s authoritarian
rule results in disparities of rich and poor in China.
The nation’s economy seems enhanced, but many
people are still struggling below the poverty line.

Wang Bei-Ji: “When food and clothing needs
are not met, one may consider his food and
clothing problem, one’s survival from many levels.
Chinese people not only need food and
clothing, but also work and comfort in life.
In addition to a dignified economy, affordable
housing, they also need democracy the most."

Zhang Xin believes democracy will come within 20 years.

Tsinghua University Professor Sun Liping,
doctoral dissertation advisor of Xi Jinping said
that a quiet revolution has occurred. Sun predicted
that it may not take 10 years, but five years will do.

Hua Po agreed with Sun Liping’s view.

He believes that reform is inevitable,
but how depends on those in power.
Do they really want to reform, or
just to fool the Chinese people?

Hua Po: “If rulers are stubborn and refuse
to implement constitutional democracy, this very likely results in a violent revolution.
Although people do not want to see it happen, violent
revolution does occur, or not cannot be easily altered.
The CCP still has many trump cards to play. The key
of Xi Jinping’s "constitutional dream"is implementation.
I believe implementing it will limit the party’s
power, expand civil rights, and protect civil rights.”

Hua Po said that nowadays, we need to see whether
the CCP will heed public opinion and abandon violence.
This includes banning words,
newspapers and political parties.
If the CCP refuses to accept democracy and continues
to play with fire, the masses will be totally disappointed.
An outbreak of a nationwide revolution
will occur to permanently destroy the CCP.
