
【新唐人2013年3月18日讯】法轮修炼大法是由法轮佛法大师李洪志先生创编的佛家上乘修炼大法,“是同化宇宙最高特性‘真、善、忍’为根本,以宇宙最高特性为指导,按照宇宙演化原理而修炼,所以我们修的是大法大道。”李洪志大师论述法轮佛法的着作已经公开发表的有《法轮功》、《转法轮》、《转法轮(卷二)》、《法轮大法义解》、《法轮大法 大圆满法》、《法轮大法 精进要旨》、《法轮大法 悉尼法会讲法》、《法轮大法 美国法会讲法》和《转法轮法解》等三十九本,这些着作已经译成三十多种外文版,在全世界发行和传播。



The Way Home

Lost,lost in a maze
Anxious days seemed endless
Until one day a knock at my door
The Buddha light shining brightly
Making our way home
On the last leg of the journey
Making our way home
The law wheel is turning
Making our way home

Slowing fading away
The notions I'd harboured
Becoming clearer each day
The Buddha light showing me the way
the way……
Making our way home
On the last leg of the journey
Making our way home
The law wheel is turning
Making our way home
On the last leg of the journey
Making our way home

Slowing fading away
The notions I'd harboured
Becoming clearer each day
The Buddha light showing me the way
the way……
showing me the way
the way……
Making our way home
On the last leg of the journey
Making our way home
The law wheel is turning
Making our way home
On the last leg of the journey
Making our way home
The law wheel is turning
Making our way home……