













中国大陆自由撰稿人 刘逸明:“像以前的三鹿奶粉,在中国可算是家喻户晓知名品牌,就连《央视》也在节目当中说,它是经过严格检测的,质量绝对放心,到后来事实证明,三鹿奶粉这么响亮的品牌实际上是毒奶粉的罪魁祸首。”



采访编辑/李韵 后制/李智远

Limits Placed on Milk Powder Orders in Hong Kong.

Due to recent and frequent exposure to quality problems
of milk powder in China, Chinese people are rushing
to buy infant formula in Hong Kong and abroad.
So limitations have been set on milk orders in Hong Kong.

Wang Guangya, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs
Office Director of PRC State Council has exposed
himself as “a victim of the milk order limitation”.
If the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials do
not believe milk in China, who would dare to believe it?
Let's see our analysis report.

On March 24, Wang Guangya participated in the
Hong Kong pro-establishment members luncheon.
Wang disclosed that the milk for his four-month-old
grandson was brought back by his entrusted colleague.
Once the milk order limitation was set, his
grandchildren's milk supply is now also in question.

Since March 1, it has implemented a
powdered milk limitation in Hong Kong.
It restricts citizens over the age of 16 to
only be able to carry 3.8 kg per person.
This is the equivalent of two cans of milk powder
being allowed to be taken out of Hong Kong.
Anyone violating this rule faces a fine of HK
$500,000, and imprisonment for two years.

On March 2, in the CCP's 'CPPCC' meeting
news conference, spokesman Lu Xinhua told
Chinese and foreign media that 99% of milk
powder in China meets quality standards.
The problem is that people lack confidence
in the quality standards of the milk powder.
This has led to many people in China
to import Hong Kong milk powder.

Chinese Internet writer Jing Chu pointed out that CCP
officials do not dare to buy their own identified, so-called
"safe" milk powder for their grandchildren to drink.
Therefore, who would dare to believe
that domestic milk powder is 100% safe?

Jing Chu, Chinese Internet writer: “The
Chinese media has been consistently lying.
It has never said a word of truth, and it can just harm people,
mislead the people, and its duties are to deceive the people.
Members of the CCP do not believe in the
media, because they are clearer on it.”

Zhu Xinxin, former Hebei People's Radio Editor commented.

CCP culture nurtures people with dual personalities. What
the CCP says is completely contrary to their real thoughts.

Zhu Xinxin: “It is said officially that domestic
milk is so qualified, and let all be assured.
It is only to create an illusion to pacify the people.

In fact, in real life, the officials' behavior shows their lack
of confidence, including some monopoly industries.
They are to engage in special food supplies
and special commodity bases, which shows
that they say one thing and do another.”

On March 6, Yang Gang, Deputy Secretary of the
General Administration of Quality Supervision and
Inspection, and member of the CCP's CPPCC, spoke.
Yang said that some people are in
blind worship of foreign milk powder.
86% of domestic dairy products are qualified,
and 98% of export products are qualified.

Zhu Jianguo, an independent writer in Shenzhen,
Guangdong pointed out that the CCP officials are liars.
Consumer confidence has been lost
through frequent frauds and suffering.

Zhu Jianguo: “People can see around them that with
institutional centralization, how could you inspect it?
More importantly, there is no democratic supervision.

In this corrupted collusion between government
officials and businessmen, the quality of the
product relies on the production enterprises.
Therefore, it is impossible for
government words to be authoritative."

State controlled People's Daily
released a report on March 22.
Liu Meiju, the Vice Chairman of the China
Dairy Industry Association spoke in an interview.
The dairy industry has had a monthly
sampling inspection since 2011.
Results showed that the mainstream brands of infant
formula that are on the market are 100% qualified.
Consumers can rest assured.

Liu Yiming, a freelance writer in China points out that

food regulatory authorities, and the dairy industry,
have always been hand in hand to deceive consumers.

Liu Yiming: “Like the former Sanlu milk powder in China,
it can be regarded as a well-known household brand.
Even the CCTV also said that it has undergone
rigorous testing, and it's quality is assured.
But later it was proved that the Sanlu milk
powder brand is the culprit of the tainted milk.”

In 2008, the milk powder from the Sanlu Group in China
was discovered to contain the banned chemical melamine.
The Chinese Communist authorities announced that

tainted milk had caused at least six children died, and
nearly 300,000 infants suffered from kidney stones.

However, Zhao Lianhai, the parent of a child
victim of the melamine milk scandal was
suppressed many times by CCP authorities.
This was due to Zhao standing up for the
victims parents, and for children rights.
Zhao was sentenced to prison for two and a half years
in 2010, on charges of 'disturbing social order'.